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Throughout eternity, he's been here. Just watching and waiting; Waiting for a time like this- An age new under the sun. Precisely, the only age that will be under the sun. He picks out his pocket watch and smiles, only two minutes left. "Don't you think this getup is too... 'formal'?" Startled, he turns to watch a teenage being who smiles sweetly at him. The first stuffs the watch back to his pocket retorts in amusement,

"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that."

"Tsk, tsk." The teen noises as he leans on a pillar, "Isn't this making you a little too giddy? You know, we have seen this an infinitive number of times."

"I know, I know. But, you already know why I feel like this right?" the first excitedly replies,

"Yes," answers a third being who walks in with the form of a man in his twenties and rubs his hands together in glee,

"The outcome always changes."

"But, we have seen the birth and death of this age many times. His anticipation for this one is still not justified." The teen responds, nodding in the direction of the first and deep in thought,

"Unless..." he draws in a sharp breath and stares accusingly at the first who grins, urging him to lay out his deduction,

"I-is this the last time?"

"Yes, yes it is... And something tells me that this one is going to blow our socks off!"

The third laughs in sheer excitement with electricity dancing off and around him. He looks at the first,

"How long now?"

The first picks out the pocket watch and the teen rolls his eyes in amusement,

"30 seconds"

"Good," the third answers as he nods and declares to his counterparts,

"Let the games begin then."

The Guardian Series: BornDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora