Beyoncé cleared her mind of her own thoughts and listened to the girls as they talked more. Kelly wanted to know everything going on in the outside world.


Shawn had just got home from work. He spotted a car he hadn't seen before sitting outside of his mother's house. Shawn couldn't wait to move out of his mother's house. He's finally saved enough to purchase a house he's been eyeing. He wanted to see how Beyoncé felt about it but at the same time knew it might be too soon to move in together. They've only recently started dating again and didn't want to jinx anything by being too eager.

Shawn walked in the house and heard a man's voice and his mother's. He walked towards the kitchen and Ms. Gloria eyed him. The man turned around catching Ms. Gloria's gaze.

"Hey ma." Shawn said. "Who's this?"

"Shawn, you know who this is." Ms. Gloria said.

"Yeah but in fifteen years I might need a reintroduction." Shawn said.

"Hey Shawn." The man said.

"Adonis." Shawn said. "What you here for? Money?"


"That's why you was here last time right."

"Shawn, listen-"

"I don't need to listen to shit!"

"Shawn, watch your mouth." Ms. Gloria said. "Now your fathers here because he needs to talk to you."

"Talk to me about what cause he's not getting a dime from you or me." He said.

"I didn't come for money." Adonis said.

"Then what you here for?"

"I'm dying." He said. "I have lung cancer."

Shawn stood there trying to comprehend. Ms. Gloria and Adonis just looked at him. Shawn couldn't focus under their gazes. He turned and walked out the front door. He got in his truck and drove off.


Beyoncé stood in the hair salon finishing up a clients hair. When she finished she received her money and the lady got up and left. Beyoncé sat in the chair finally getting off her feet for the day. After going to visit Kelly and dropping Michelle off she headed straight to work. She heard the door chime and looked. Jada came walking in with Nicki right behind her.

"Hi mommy." Jada said when she got near.

"Hi baby." Beyoncé said hugging her.

Jada sat on her lap as Nicki walked closer.

"Nicki, you feed my baby?"

"No, I let her starve." Nicki said.

"We went to Hooters." Jada said.

Beyoncé looked at Nicki.

"What? They got good wings and it was to go." Nicki said.

"Did you get me some?" Beyoncé said.

"Would I be the greatest best friend if I didn't?"

"Thanks, I'm starving." Beyoncé said. "Jada, you do your homework?"

"Yeah." She said getting off of Beyoncé lap.

"Yeah right, show it to me."

"I did it in school." Jada said yelled walking towards Ms. Tina's office.

"Mmmhmm." Beyoncé then looked at Nicki. "She ain't did shit."

Nicki laughed.

"How you know?" Nicki asked.

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