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Cosette Chevalier gradually appears more and more in everything from French tabloids to fashion magazine articles as Harry and I go out and about around Paris. Articles try to uncover who I am, though there isn't much to say except that I've been hanging around Harry. I thought it was interesting how the articles focused on Harry at first, and now as I sat having morning coffee in the kitchen, my eyes read over an article I had found in a fashion magazine that morning.

'Newest Chevalier Bachelorette Has Styles Smitten' read the headline. My brows scrunched together before I set the article down and looked to Adelaide, who was making her own coffee across from me.

"Newest bachelorette?" I asked, Adelaide seeming a little confused until I showed her the magazine. Her eyes scanned over the article quickly before she understood.

"Oh yes, the Chevalier bachelorettes. You've never heard of that phrase?" She asked me as she sat down at the table with me. I shook my head no.

"Mom never really explained everything involving the Chevaliers to me." I admitted.

"Well, as you know, your grandparents only had girls, no boys. The girls were all beautiful and rich, and wanted by many men. That's why they were called the Chevalier bachelorettes, and it seems now that Harry has given your name as a Chevalier, the legacy continues." Adelaide said with a smile. I frowned at that. The only bachelorettes I had ever heard of were on that TV show, and that most certainly didn't seem like much fun. However, I was rather fond of the headline...to have Harry Styles smitten was quite funny.

Just as I finished up my coffee, I decided to call the boy on my mind.

"Hello, Harry." I smiled as I heard him pick up and stood from the table, excusing myself to my room.

"Marie? Il est trop tôt." I heard a very groggy voice say. I must have woken him up.

"I have no idea what that means but you need to wake up. It's almost ten in the morning." I pointed out, hearing him mutter some unintelligible French phrases to me.

"It's too early." Harry translated, and I could hear the rustle of blankets as he more than likely got out of bed.

"Do you have anything going on today?" I asked, silently hoping he didn't. Maybe we could go out to eat somewhere, Harry always knew the best places to eat.

"Uhh..." I heard him grumble out before I heard a yawn. "Do I hav-oh merde!" I heard him exclaim. I didn't need to know French to know he had cussed.

"What?" I asked as I heard him rushing around.

"A photoshoot! I forgot I had one at 11!" Harry exclaimed.

I didn't quite know what to say as I heard him hurry around and get ready to try and leave. I could hear the jingle of keys and the sound of a closing door in the background, as well as Harry's heavy breathing as he started his car.

"Where is your photoshoot?" I asked, biting my lip as I looked at the alarm clock by my bed. Harry said some name of a hotel that I faintly remembered driving by on one outing with Harry. I looked back at the clock and sighed. Harry wasn't going to make it on time, no matter how fast he drove. I wished Harry luck on getting to his photoshoot before hanging up and allowing him to focus on the road instead.

As I set my phone down on my nightstand, an idea suddenly came to my head. My mouth parted as I thought it over, a bright smile appearing on my face as I raced back to the kitchen to Adelaide. I would need her help with this.


I could hear French all around me as soon as I stepped inside the hotel Harry had told me the name of earlier that morning. The Louis Vuitton dress I had slipped on matched Adelaide's sunglasses I had slipped over my eyes perfectly, and I could feel my self-confidence rising with every click of my black Christian Louboutin heels as I headed towards a specific room that was clearly blocked off and monitored by security. I could sense the security men's eyes watching me carefully as I walked right up to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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