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*Three days.* Adeline thought to herself. *He was supposed to return three days ago.*

"He's fine, I'm sure. Anyways they're coming back soon, you'll know then," called another nurse aiding a soldier on a stretcher.

"That's what they always say..." Adeline had been married to Bucky for about two years. They had met just before he went off to war, but not much after Adeline joined as a nurse. Adeline hadn't known at that time that she was expecting his child.

"They're back!" a man calls throughout the camp. Adeline jumps to her feet. "All available medical staff needed!" She runs out searching through the mob of injured men and stretchers full of nearly dead soldiers. Left and right... no sign of Bucky. She ran to the gates fearing the possibility that she would never see him again, but then she did. He was standing, supporting another man. That had to be him, so she ran. Ran as fast as she could until she was within earshot of him "Bucky!" she screamed as loud as she could. His head immediately snapped up. His eyes scanned the area searching for the source of the call. Then he saw her standing among the men, eyes wide, hair pulled back into a neat bun, rocking on her toes. Her tidy white dress smudged by dirt and blood. He took off towards her. She did too and they met in the middle.

She stopped just short of him "You're alive."

"Did you expect me not to be? Don't I always come back?" She just stands there, smiling gleefully. "How's my little one?" He says crouching down to be level with her stomach. Her body relaxes relieved he's alright. He stands back up "Let's go."

They walk over to their tent. "Why were you gone so long?" He just shrugs.

"Hey, shouldn't you be out there?" He points to the medicine tent.

"They've been easy on me, I don't think they'll mind this time." Adeline smiles taking off her apron and folding it neatly in her lap. She looks up after setting it on a table. She swallows before asking the next question, "Is... is Steve alright?"

Bucky laughs "He's Captain America, I don't think he can't be alright." The rest of the night the couple talk about everything that has happened since his departure. But just before they decide to sleep, Steve steps outside the tent "Anyone home?" Bucky's eyes light up, he hadn't seen him in months, except for the brief moments out on the battlefield. He opens the little flaps that serve as doors "If it isn't Captain America!" The two share a moment of reunion and both step inside. Adeline looks up.

"Hi! How are you?" She perks up.

"Adeline Wolfe Barnes! I'm great, you? You look great!"

"I'm doing alright and I look horrible, but thanks for the thought," She smiles up at Steve.

"No! I meant it! And you Bucky... have you seen her work? It's like watching television on hyperspeed!" Steve emphasizes every word.

Adeline laughed and Bucky does too, "Yeah... I hate to say it but she's worked on me too. Nasty wound."

"That's never pulled you down. Remember when you scraped up your knees, like really bad and my mother wouldn't let you ride your bike anymore? And you ran out and did it anyway?!" Bucky shrugs and Adeline looks at Steve like a mother watching her child tell stories of their day.

"It's late, and I have duty in the morning. I'm going to get some rest." She says walking to the cot in the corner. Bucky smiles at her "We'll keep it down." 

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