"Dad, someone is out to get Ara. They tried to drop one of the hanging lights on her but I pulled her away just in time. I know it was someone, I took photo's for evidence." He says. Jacob sighs, stressed out. 

"When you get home, tell me more. Tomorrow we'll figure this out. Right now, we've got to plan out weapons and fighting techniques against the rogues." He answers. 

"Yes Father. I'll see you soon." He confirms hanging up. What's he going to do now, who wants Ara dead? In fact – why would they want her dead? 

Ara takes the glass in her shaky grip, taking a small sip. Michelle took it from her, afraid she might crash it. Michelle hands the glass to Ryan than gently caresses Ara's hair in comfort to calm down her shaking figure. 

Right now, her job was to calm down Ara while James figures out what's going on.

Andrea drags the boy in the hall, all-angry and beyond pissed. They stop in front of the girls toilet, where she slaps him – hard. 

"You blasting idiot! You're supposed to do it on time, I told you as soon as I sent my signal you do it straight away! You're so not getting your pay, you failed." She snarls at the scrawny human boy. He was scared shitless, he swore he pooped his pants. 

"I-I'm sorry! Th-the rope, it w-wouldn't c-cut in t-time!" He stutters nervously. He wasn't the strongest person, but she needed someone human to do this and this was the smartest one she could find as the rest looked like knuckleheads. 

Andrea breathes out angrily, trying to calm her temper. Her fingers go against the bridge of her nose in attempt to stop her head pounding from the stress. 

"Why did I choose some scrawny little kid." She mutters to herself while the boy is backed up against the wall, praying silently that she won't dip her claws into him. Andrea looks at the frightened boy, it wasn't his fault – it was mainly James' fault but she technically can't kill the Alpha's son. 

"You can leave now. Don't speak to me for the rest of the year." She demands and he scrambles out, nearly tripping on his own two feet. His heart was beating fast and he was silently praising the lord for sparing his soul. 

He ran out, back to where people started dancing again as if nothing happened. Their Prom Queen nearly got killed and they're dancing freely. Someone managed to spill in alcohol into the punch, even though it wasn't much it let people let loose. 

Ara overcame her shock and danced along to the music to get her mind off things. Eminem ft. Bruno Mars' 'Lighters' played through the gym loudly. It calmed Ara little and helped her let loose. 

Michelle looked after her, not allowing her to have any punch after noticing some boy spill in the alcohol but gave her either juice or water. 

But deep down inside, she was scared. 


"Father, you wanted to see me?" James asks, entering his Dad's office. Alpha Jacob sits in the tall black leather seat calmly. He nods at his son, motioning for him to come closer. 

James takes a seat at one of the singular black leather cushioned chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his fingers laced together. 

"Tell me exactly what happened." Alpha Jacob demands softly. 

"Arabella was announced Prom Queen. I know I should've expected this from the start, because she doesn't have any friends yet she looked stunning that night." James starts, laughing a little at the memory of Ara. She was beautiful that night – but his mate looked much more flawless. 

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