Getting Adopted

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*Skylers P.O.V*
I wake up from a deep sleep do to the owner of the place waking me. "WAKE UP TODAYS THE DAY"
Ugh I hate these days. Friday's are the days people come and adopt kids. It's a tease. I am now 17. No one would adopt a 14 year old then and I'm certain that they wont adopt a 17year old now. I don't know why she makes me go. I squirm around a little. "Do I Have To?.." I ask annoyed. "Yes you have to you've had to for the past 3 years and you have to now! Now get up!" She says. I don't move. A few minutes later i feel a hand grab me and pick me up putting me on my feet. By my fucking hair. "Owe!" I screech. "That'll teach you to get up the next time!" she yells once again. "I've been through worse" I mumble. She leaves the room. I go look for something clean to wear. I find a beige shirt with a blue skirt. I hate the stuff they give me. I throw all of it on and brush my hair. I have about 30 minutes left before people start coming so i sneak into one of the staffs office and get on the computer. They should learn how to put passwords on them. I log into the computer and get on YouTube. I discovered some people over the years at different times and watched their channels then they made an account called My Digital Escape. I love watching them. They make me feel better. It just makes me upset that I cant watch them much anymore. I watch about 7 videos and sneak out quickly and quietly without anyone seeing. I go into my room and act like I've been there the whole time. "3,2,1" I say and right when I get to one. As i thought Mrs.Penny walked in. (The owner from earlier) "Alright Get Up It's Time. Go To The Usual Spot" She says ordering me. I don't say anything I just walk into the room with the group of kids that are 15 and up. I'm the oldest one. After about five minutes people start piling in. I don't like this at all. It's like we're in a museum or something. People coming in and looking at us through a clear glass window. It feels uncomfortable and i get anxiety filled every time.

*Johnnies P.O.V*
"Hurry up we're late already!" I yell at them. "We're right outside the building its okay!" Bryan yells back at me. "Why are we even doing this SOME of us arent even adults yet this is crazy!" Alex yells. "It might be good for us Alex be calm" Jeydon calls out. "Hey Jordan remember we're going to adopt a little kid not a teenager so you can't do anything to her" Shannon says laughing. "Hey I'm innocent!" Jordan Yells back. "So you say" She replys. "Who said we're getting a girl"I ask. "No one just saying." She says. "I grab the handle to open the door. "We're about to walk in so stop arguing and look" I say. They calm down and we all walk in and see a bunch of kids sorted into groups of close ages it looks like. "AWHH" I hear alex shout out looking at a little girl. I roll my eyes and move down to a group of kids about the same age as me. I look and see a girl with brownish Black hair. She looks miserable. I feel bad. She looks so sad. I didn't see any of the other kids here look like that. It makes me feel kind of bad and depressed. She looks about 16-17years old. Very pretty hair and eyes. I see a name tag on her shirt. Her name is Skyler. I can also see scars on her..... Scars I know. I know what they're from. I can't bare it. She needs to get out of here. But would the others agree?

*Skylers P.O.V*
I see a guy that looks about 17-18 years old staring at me. He looks kind of sad. Why? He doesn't feel bad for me right? I don't need any ones pitty if thats Whats happening I look away. The buzzer goes off telling all of the orphans and searchers that our time is up and all of the kids go back to their room. I rethink that moment when that guy was looking at me. Oh my god. I see his face out of no where. Johnnie fucking Gilbert... That wasn't him right? That couldn't have been. It just looks like it. Or maybe i just saw him from a video of earlier and mixed it up. Right? I lye down on my bed thinking.

*Johnnies P.O.V*
A buzzer goes off. I assume its to let everyone know that time is up. I run to the others. "I know who we should adopt!" I yell eager to know what they will say. "Who?" They say all at the same time. I hate when they do that. It's kind of creepy. "Her names Skyler" I say. Shannon goes over to a file and pulls out a paper. It looks like Shes reading it. "Her?" She says turning the paper around. Everyone looks at it. It has a picture of her and it says her name with some other information. "Y-Yeah her.." I say. "She's 17!" Alex says. "So... It Doesn't matter how old she is.." I say. "Look I really wanna get her out of here.. I saw scars all over her and i think it might have to do with being in here..." I say hoping that would help my case. They all drop their mouths open.
They all huddle up into a circle and start talking. They get out of the huddle about three minutes later. "We talked it out and we think it would be good for us to adopt Skyler so... Yeah lets get it done. Lets adopt Skyler" Bryan says. I smile and we go into a room with the owner. "We've decided that we want to adopt Skyler Lanes" Bryan says. Since he's the oldest we decided he will do all the talking. "Wait. What? Skyler Lanes? The 17 year old?" she says sounding confused. "Yep. Thats her" he says smiling. "Well uhm. Okay fill out all if this paper work and she'll be on her way home with you all" She says putting a big packet of papers on the desk with a pen. Bryan starts filling it out right away as Mrs. Penny walks out of the room.

*Skylers P.O.V*
I'm sitting on my bed still thinking. I get snapped out of my thoughts when the door swings open. "Get ready your being adopted" Mrs. Penny says sounding annoyed. She walks out of the room. I sit up shocked. I start packing feeling kind if relieved. But why would someone want to adopt me? I don't have much to pack so I'm done about 15 minutes later. I get under my bed ripping an envelope off of it. It's an envelope full of money my parents left me. I haven't spent one penny out of it. I better get it since I'll need new stuff and i really dont want any of the stuff they gave me and i dont want anyone wasting their money on me. After that i stick the envelope in my suit case picking the suit case up walking out of my room and into Mrs. Pennys office i see 7 people. I recognize all of them. I scan them all. Bryam Shannon Alex Jeydon Jordan Kyle..And Johnnie... I was right. I can't belive this. I'm getting adopted by My Digital Escape! I'm trying so hard not to freak out..

*Johnnies P.O.V*
After about 30 minutes of Nothing but Bryan filling out papers he gets done and the door opens. In walks Skyler. She looks kind of shocked. Does she know about us? I stare at her a whole five minutes then Mrs. Penny walks in and we all turn our attention to her. She scanned the paper work and nods her head "Alright you guys are all set. Just to let you all know Skyler has very bad depression, anxiety, and issues like that so beware of that" she says smirking. Skyler looks down looking ashamed. "Alright Skyler Im Bryan and this is Shannon Alex Jeydon Jordan Kyle And Johnnie we will be adopting you and you will be staying with me and Johnnie in our apartment. All the others will be leaving soon so you can get to know them before they leave. We all know what your going through so don't feel lonley. When we get there make yourself feel at home." Bryan says smiling. She looks up at him.

*Skylers P.O.V*
"Alright Skyler Im Bryan and this is Shannon Alex Jeydon Jordan Kyle And Johnnie we will be adopting you and you will be staying with me and Johnnie in our apartment. All the others will be leaving soon so you can get to know them before they leave. We all know what your going through so don't feel lonley. When we get there make yourself feel at home." Bryan says finishing with a smile. I look up. Home. I dont know what a home is anymore. "I uh I know who you all are. I've watched you on YouTube. My Digital Escape right?. And thanks...." I say feeling awkward. "Well thats great i guess you know some stuff about us all then huh?" Bryan says. "Yeah" i say smiling. "Oh and yeah Mrs. Penny that does mean that i snuck into the offices on the computers by the way" I say laughing. She just gives a glare. They all laugh "Well we better get going" Bryan says. I shake my head and we all walk out of the building. Bryan takes my things and puts them into the trunk. We all get in. Bryan Jeydon and Jordan are in the front Alex and Shannon Are In The Middle And Me And Johnnie are in the back. Heheh what do ya know. Sitting next to my favorite one. "This is gonna be a long drive so get some rest if you need it" Bryan says. I sigh and fall asleep. I cant believe i finally got adopted. And by them? What is life right now?..

Adopted By My Digital Escape.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ