Stolen [Romance]

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His blue eyes are piercing my wholeness, burning it through the soul I have for myself. I couldn't breathe. Even if I'm in the four corners of my home and my family is watching the exchange, I am positive that I am in hysteria.

A different kind of hysteria. The one where you stand frozen on the ground with your head rushing for words to say however none came as decent, as of the moment of course.

The chiseled man in dark washed jeans and white shirt studied my face with his brow scrutinizing my being as his guys, which are comparably leaner than the one opposite me, continued ravaging our kitchen and tools for their own gain.

Who is he?

I don't know.

All I know is this brunette man and his five other subordinates rammed into our house at 2 in the morning for some loots.

I live in a small town in the US where crimes are mostly done by gangs and this encounter was not the first we had so far but this person in front of me just asked for something our family couldn't give. Or at least that's what I think.

"W-what?" my father stuttered, tightening his embrace over my beautiful but frail mother.

We are in the living room, my parents and younger brother, Zack, are just a meter away from me, next to the medium sized television while the man my dad asked, just inches from where I stood - near the hallway if I should be exact.

His smirk widened as he lowered his gaze drinking my image. In this case, no one would question my plain navy blue shirt and white pants as it already was sleeping time. Heck the whole town is asleep!

With the uneasiness I am feeling as the unknown guy studied me, I hugged my torso, swallowing a lump when he voiced then again. He has a deep intimidating tone like a leader he is, "I said, I won't take this place down in one condition"

I heard my mother breathe heavily as my dad spoke, "This place is our home. Please don't burn it down. I'll give you the things you need, just do not hurt my family and the house we live in"

"Good" the trespasser straightened from his position without breaking his watch over me, I know because I feel his burning stare as I melt in the intensity, "What's your name?"

I raised my head and saw him waiting. So he asked me.

"Olivia" I whispered, not exactly scared but not too camfortable either. I'm in hysterics though never have I shown it to anyone especially this tough man.

"Olivia?" he asked for the last name.

His cheekbones are high with that five o'clock shadow and stubbles made him look a bit older, more like in his late 20s.

I must admit he is handsome and attractive. If that is even possible.

"I'm not into waiting" he crossed his arms before him, eyeing me.

The tension inside the living room grew thicker as the five other guys joined the party. Not.

I thinned my lips, "Olivia Healey"

"Olivia Healey" he tested it and faced my father, "I won't need any other loots you could offer" I saw my father loosen up after this but the man continued, "But I'll take Olivia with me"

"What?" I gasped.

"No you can't have my daughter with you. I'm sorry but you could have other things but not my young Olivia" my father bargained.

"Young?... How old are you?" he asked, locking the gaze on me then again.

I shook my head, "Please"

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