eighteen - bad days

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"Ally, are you alright?" Kira asks, raising her eyebrows and holding out her hand to help her up.

Ally just gives her a look of disbelief and says, "Just stop." She murmurs, standing up and grabbing her bag. Ally turns around to sit in her usual spot next to Austin, but sees it's taken by the one and only, Keli.

Still, Ally goes over to the spot. "Can I please sit right here, Keli?"

"After I've gotten all comfortable?" Keli questions sarcastically, pressing a hand on to her heart.


"Ally, take a seat," Mrs. Farnagia order from in from of the white board. "I don't like you all wandering around the classroom."

"She's in my spot."

"Actually, there's no assigned seats in this classroom." Keli remarks, looking up at her with a grin.

"Keli, just move---" Austin starts to plead, but is cut off by Ally herself.

"I sit here everyday. Will you just move?" Ally asks her once again, her temper rising.

Mrs. Farnagia sighs and leans on her hip. "Ally, this is eleventh grade. You're too old to be acting so immature. You're usually one of my best students."

"Just tell her to get out of my seat."

"There are no assign seats in my class, Ally. Just---"

Ally glares at the older woman and snaps, "Well, there is now and this is my fucking spot!" She almost yells and looks at her Keli. "Move!"

"No way, I like it when you lose your temper." She teases, giving her challenged look.

"I'll show you my show temper." Ally almost growls, balling her fists up.

Keli chuckles and stands, towering over her a bit. "I'd love a show."

It's Austin's turn to stand and get in the middle of it. He moves the both of them away from each other and sighs as he looks at Ally. "You're gonna get in trouble."

"Oh, she already is," Mrs. Farnagia says, now going over to the students. "Ally, out of my classroom and I hope to see you in detention because you have it for the next two weeks. Go."

Ally glares and balls her fist tighter, digging her nails into her palm, but obeys, strutting out of the class in a pissed manner.

Austin sighs and takes his seat, looking up at the older woman. She gives him a look and he just shrug, indicating he just... didn't know.


"Hey," Austin says, taking a seat next to her as she was tying her shoelaces. "what's up with you today?"

"I'd think of all people, you would know." She speaks, rolling her eyes and continuing to tighten her shoes.

"Yeah, but we talked about it," Austin reminds her, scooting closer to put his chin on her shoulder. "I don't like it when you're all snappy and mad. It scares me."

Ally lifts her head and turns to look at him. "I'm just having a bad day today. Plus, it's gonna take some time for me to adjust seeing her everyday. But I'll be fine eventually."

"Uh, you're not really mad at me, right? I'm sorry for snapping at you this morning."

"No, I'm not mad at you anymore. I just found out Jessica was dating Kira and needed some time to think about that before you would start rambling in my ear."

"I wouldn't ramble in your ear." Austin murmurs, his chin still on her shoulder.

"Yes you would."

Going Red - An Auslly FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora