I made my way to the front door with no temptation to go any faster. My heart was pounding, as each step seemed harder to take. I didn't know why I was so nervous, but as my hand reached the doorknob and turned the knob, it was almost a immediate relief when I felt Aria's small body jump into my arms. She nuzzled her face into my neck, and I could feel the tears wetting my shirt but I didn't care to pull away.

I held her close to me as we swayed ever so slightly, back and forth. The song, yet slow, felt as if it was playing too fast. The glistering lights from above, in the dark ballroom, kept it energetic, and although I knew there were hundreds of people around me, it felt like it was only she and I. Just the two of us, as we swayed to the music, holding each other closely.

Only when the song was slightly over did she pull away and take my hands instead as we swayed to the music.

She leaned it and whispered,


I nodded, holding her waist closer to me as I have ever, as she spoke to me.

"I know you probably don't want to be dancing with me, but I really appreciative it... Thank you for making my prom perfect."

I chuckled to myself knowing that she didn't even know the first part of how much I was enjoying this night. How perfect it was that Jake had gotten grounded just the night before. For once, I had nothing to do with that. It worked perfectly for me, since I wasn't going to go to prom. I only wanted to go with the girl I loved. And that was Aria Lee, and only Aria Lee.

"I didn't know who else to go to Haz," Aria said, as she pulled away. I nodded, taking her hand, not couple-y hand hold but just as a support to her, and pulled her into the house and towards the kitchen where I pulled out the wooden high stool for her to sit on. Quickly, I grabbed some water, cut up a slice of lemon and plopped it inside, placing it in front of her.

"You remembered?" She said as she stared at the glass of water. The lemon bits floating inside, as a smile grew on her face. It was a smile that I have seen a countless amount of times, though our highs and lows.

"Of course," I could feel my cheeks warming from how happy she looked, "how could I forget that Aria Lee refuses to drink water without a slice of lemon in it?"

She looked up with me, a smile still on her face; even through her obvious wet cheeks from the tears she looked genuinely happy.

"Did you ever love me?"

I did not even hesitate to reply,

"Of course,"

"No-, Harry, I mean, real love. Like love, love. Not just friend love."

I paused for a moment. Of course I loved her. I still do. There was no way I was going to ever lose my love for my little A. But, I knew as a fact that if I told her, she would not treat me the same way. If we were younger, she would have teased me. Now that she's older, who knows... she might not be my friend again. And I really liked seeing her smile around me. I didn't want to lose that.

"Hazza," Louis walked into the kitchen. I felt a relief pass me, and it had to have shown on my face. "Oh, hi Aria Lee, was it?" Louis's tone is much more blunt than it was when he called my name. I knew he was still mad that I had never told him about Aria before she had magically reappeared in my life.

"Anyways," Louis behaved himself, not saying anything else rude as he turned to me, "would you like to go eat with Nialler, Faith and I?"

I shook my head, smiling,

"No thanks boo bear, you alright without me though?"

Louis nodded as he grabbed an apple that was on the counter and skipped out of the kitchen and towards the bedrooms.

I swear that boy was addicted to apples.

"Boo bear, huh?" Aria said with a giggle, she was no longer crying. She actually looked like she had never cried at all.

I shrugged, taking a seat next to Aria, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine Harry, I promise," she placed her head onto my shoulder.

An immediate wave of happiness came across me... Just being able to smell her soft, rose-scented hair from the shampoo that she was so obsessed with since a young age. I could still picture that conversation between Gemma and Aria like it was yesterday. Aria stomped into the room with three huge containers of "Lovely Roses Shampoo" and she swore to Gemma that she would not use anything but this same brand-shampoo. Glad to know that something's really don't seem to change.

"I love you," she whispered.

I hoped she didn't notice my body slightly shiver at those words. I knew what she meant though. Like every single time she spoke those three words to me. She loved me as a friend. And this wasn't going to change. But a boy can hope...


A/N: Hiya!  If you guys are confused, here is an explanation. 

1. In chapter 30 the same exact part (phone scene) was in Aria's POV and it ended with her going to Gemma's home.  

2. Harry answered the phone is chapter 31 so that's where it ties up. 

3. And this is where Aria's POV [in chapter 30] and Mrs.Grey's POV [in chapter 31] comes together in Harry's POV.  

4. So that basically means that all this happened in one day which means Louis eats more than one apple a day... hahaha

I do understand that if I just updated more often you guys would understand all this without me explaining it, but since I am way too busy, hope this helps!

As long as I'm on winter break, I'll be posting as much as I can! 


- Tina, xx

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