The Expedition Is Set Out

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( okay so thanks for reading so far ^-^. Okay let's get to the fanfic •-• )
The next morning arrives, the morning of the expedition. The raven haired male had gathered with the others at the outer wall, his usual hard and emotionless expression scrawled across his face as Hanji rambled on next to him with an expressive grin.
"Oh, think, Shorty!" She exclaimed as she let out a shrill squeal of eagerness. "All the new Titan specimens I can bring in!"
The corporal ignored the brunette at his side, his attention focused on Eren ahead of him as he let out a sigh and shook his head. "God. I hope he's alright.." He said quietly to himself, earning a pull on his cloak from Hanji as he glared towards her and tore his eyes away from the young cadet. Eren sat on his horse patiently, thinking about the entire plan and what might play out. He was confident that he and his squad would get out alive. He really hoped at least. Eren turned to look at the people next to him- Oluo and Petra. They seemed concentrated and had something of their own running through their mind- probably about the mission. Eren turned to glimpse behind him, looking at his corporal. He wore his usual cold expression and was turned to squad leader Hanji. Eren huffed a small laugh and turned back facing forward. "We'll make it... I have full faith in Corporal Levi and his squad.." Eren said quietly to himself as he gazed at the front gate with determination. Levi adjusted himself on his own horse, his gaze drifting to the front gate as Erwin's voice erupted from the crowd. "All members of the 104th expedition- squads, move out!" As the order was given, a cry rose from the cadets, followed by the stomping of horse hooves as the mass left through the opening and carried on to the outside of the wall. At the first hint of sunlight, Levi winced, his eyes soon after adjusting as he led his horse to the center of the formation and drew closer to Eren.
Eren heard the Commanders call and swat his reins and led his horse out in the crowd, staying close to his squad. Eren squinted at the bright sky, two white birds flying ahead and the sky was bright and full of promise. He turned his head straightforward and continued his ride. The squads made their way out in the open field and everyone was more spread out.
"Eren." Levi called over the background noise of cadets talking amongst one another and the constant drone of horse hooves. His eyes fell towards him, his eyebrows furrowed together in concern as he pulled a signal flare gun from his belt and tossed it to him. "I'm trusting you with this, kid. Don't blow it."
Eren turned to face Levi, he caught the flare gun and held it securely, nodded confidently, determination in his eyes.  "I won't, Corporal!" He turned back forward on his horse and held it securely as he rode.
He turned to face ahead again, the flares ahead signaling a Titan on their right side as he grit his teeth and cursed under his breath.
"Forwards ranks- to the northwest!" Erwin shouted, the cadets shifting their direction away from the Titan as Hanji beamed in delight. "My god- he's just so beautiful!!" She shrieked before turning away from the rest of the group and heading off towards the Titan.
Levi's eyes caught the brunette trailing off, a long string of  curses leaving his mouth before he took off behind her in a haste.
Eren brought the flare gun up to the air and shot after seeing the flares. He was about to turn with everyone else until he saw the two of them ride off... He has to make a split decision. Those two- or the right direction. Eren closed his eyes tightly struggling with his mind. They could use backup if something goes wrong. Eren decided to follow corporal and leader Hanji, still thinking if he's made the wrong decision but it's too late now. Eren took the reins of his horse and yanked them to turn swiftly and follow the two, soon catching up. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead and his eyebrows were tense. I really hope I've made the right decision, the brunet thought to himself.
Levi's eyes remained on Hanji in front of him, leaving him unaware of the young cadet behind him as he drew his blades.
"Oh!! Another big guy!" Hanji exclaimed as she noticed another Titan emerging from behind a nearby hill. The Titan crawled on all fours, moving at a fast pace as Levi's face grew slightly pale. "Damn it.." He muttered, setting off his maneuvering fear as he glided towards the nearest Titan and swiftly slashed the nape of its neck. As the Titan fell, his eyes fell on Eren, his expression contorting into confusion before shifting into sudden anger. "Eren! Get back to the group!" He shouted before a large hand reached up and pulled him from the sky.
Eren watched closely, staying alert and aware. He looked over at Hanjis commotion and saw the abnormal and his face as well paled. Eren face shifted fast to the yell of his name, and noticed Levi was quite anger my with him. He made the wrong decision. His eyes widened when the Titan grabbed ahold of Levi. He's really made the wrong decision. Eren was quick to act, jumping up on his horse readying his blades. Eren thought -more knew- that he has no other choice. He can't go back to the group now. Eren jumped into the air and swung with his gear to the Titans nape, slicing through the skin and watching the Titan go limp and collapsing.
Levi struggled from the deceased Titan's grip as it fell to the ground, a large thud shaking the surrounding ground before he tore away from its hand with a slash of his blade. He landed in the grass, his clothes soaked with Titan blood as it slowly began evaporating.
"No!!!" Hanji practically screamed in horror as she slowed her horse next to Levi and climbed off, running towards the Titan. "He would have been the perfect specimen!!"
Eren landed onto the ground in a swift motion, feet hitting the ground in a soft thud. Erens horse trotted over to him. He didn't know what to say, he was expecting a punishment though. Maybe some kind of beating. He just wanted to do something right after all the wrong he's done, he just wanted to help! I guess trying to help got him in the wrong. Erens shoulders slumped a bit. They didn't have time for his mistakes. Like Gunther said- he's just a brat- a monster even.
"Eren." Levi began, his grey orbs landing on him before he let out a shuddered breath. He stepped towards him, a look of almost anger in his eyes before he grabbed the cadet by the sleeve and pulled him into a tight hug. "Fucking idiot..." He muttered before breaking away. "I told you to go on with the others.. But.. Thank you." He said the last phrase quietly as his eyes fell to the floor. "You've gotten better with that blade of yours."
Erens eyes met with the grass, hearing steps he looked up and met eyes with Levi, bracing himself to be hit. What happened.. He didn't really expect. Erens eyes grew wider and he hugged his corporal back tightly. When Levi pulled back he did do, and looked into Levis eyes with surprise and strong admiration. He... Hugged me? He doesn't hug people- he doesn't thank people. Eren continued to look at Levi though his shining grey eyes averted. Erens eyes lit up and he couldn't help but smile. He was getting praised- it especially meant a lot since it was by corporal! "Thank you, sir!" Eren beamed.
"Don't thank me, kid." Levi answered, a half smile etching onto his lips before he nodded towards a small figure in the distance that was the rest of the group. "The others took off, and there's no use in wasting another flare trying to bring them back. We're gonna have to stay here for some time until they send out a reconnaissance squad for us." He sighed before looking towards Hanji as his expression grew deadpanned. "Fucking great."
Eren just smiled, always catching those times when Levis lips turn upwards into one of those rare, lovely smiles of his. Eren turned his head to the small figure of a group in the far off distance. Eren nodded in agreement and let out a huff of hair. He also turned his gaze to Hanji, she must really love Titans in order to risk the plans, formation and her own life for them.
"... I'm sorry." Hanji said quietly as she turned her eyes to the both of them and quickly wiped away the tears forming in them. "I just wanted a new specimen, is all..." She mumbled as Levi groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Don't cry, please.." He muttered. "Just.. Let's get out of the open before another Titan sees us. There's no use for apologizing, now.." He said as he put his blades back and began walking towards ma forested area a short distance away.
Erens eyebrows shifted upwards into slight sadness for the Titan scientist. Eren nodded in agreement to Levis statement, and put his blades back as well, running a bit to catch up with Levi and slowing when arriving next to him.
Hanji climbed to her feet, trudging after the others as she hung her head and dragged her feet.
"She'll be fine, Eren." Levi said quietly, keeping his eyes ahead as he bit the inside of his cheek. "As soon as she finds another Titan, she'll be back to her old self."

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