I followed Chase down to the lab where he began to stack a bunch of cards into a pyramid with his Muleckularkenesis chanting "Oh yeah. Who's the man? Oh I'm the man."

The doors to the eleveator opened and Leo stepped out. He looked so angry that if he was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears "Hey!" Chase jumped and his pyramid of cards was destroyed "Yo abra my cadabra. You hocused my pocus." Leo then got up in Chase's face "You allied my kasam."

He then turned to me "And you! You let him steal my spot in the talent show! You're suppose to keep your boyfriend on a leash!"

"Leo," Chase interrupted "Katie has nothing to do with this. She didn't know what I was going to do. Besides I was being booed and I panicked. What else was I suppose to do?"

"Suffer!" Leo stated angrily "You're suppose to suffer."

"Leo I finally found a way to look cool by using my bionics and people think it's magic. How could I not share my amazing gift with the world?" Chase turned away from Leo and said "You're welcome world." He then began blowing kissed into the air as if there people to catch them. You're probably wondering how I put up with him. Truth is I don't know either. You're guess is as good as mine.

Chase then grabbed my hand and backed up towards the elevator doors and they opened on cue "Magic," Chase mocked as we both went through. The last thing I saw was Leo eye's opened wide as he was point at us. I'll admit...that made me laugh.

Chase and I were alone and I sighed watching Chase smile in satisfaction "What am I going to do with you Chase? You basically cheated your way through Perry's talent auditions. And Leo worked really hard to make everything perfect for his act. I should know, I had to sit through his demonstrations."

 "You don't get it Katie."

"What don't I get?" I asked "Talk to me Chase."

Chase sighed as he purposely stopped the elevator between floors "The only good thing about me is that I'm bionic. But people don't know that because then the government would be after us if they did. It just felt really amazing when I got that standing ovation today. I actually felt like I was a someone at school instead of being a miss named question mark."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. I felt his arms tighten around my waist as his face buring into the crook of my neck "You are a someone Chase. You're a brother, a son, an amazing boyfriend and a hero. That should count for something, right?" I took his silence as a sign to continue "So what if people don't see that? All that matters is that you know that you are amazing." I paused for a moment before whispering in his ear "I really do hate seeing you like this. Breaks my heart." I felt Chase tenderly kiss my neck.

"I'm sorry," he whispered back. He lifted his face so it was only inches away from my face "I love you."

"I love you too Chase. Always." Chase kissed me softly before pulling away and pressing a button making the elevator start up again.


A girl who's talent was playing the tuba walked off stage and Principal Perry took her place "Okay," she said "next up we have the amazing Chase. The only magician whos magic wand is bigger than he is."

The crowd, including myself, clapped as the music started up and Chase walked through the door. It took everything I had not to laugh at how ridiculous he looked wearing a magician's top had and cape. He took a chair up on stage with him "Thank you, thank you ladies and gentlemen! For my first trick I will move that chair...with my mind. And.."

Chase put his hands out in front of him but nothing happened. He looked out into the crowd and looked at me again. I gave him a confused look. I have no idea what's going on. Why won't his bionics work?

Lab Rats: Season 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن