The spiders' prey

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Tori awoke, she looked at her clock, it indicated that it was 3 a.m. She looked to her right, her husband Dave was still asleep. She got up to check on her daughters, still sleeping, right now was a perfect time to go to the shop. She got dressed for work, (a/n don't bug me on how she dresses because I have no idea, i am not a girl, no offense) she got into her car and drove to the little store on dankard st. She looked inside, pitch black. The sign said 'open' in crispy white letters. It looked better the first time. When she entered, spiders and web was everywhere. After she blinked, it was gone. All of it, the owner walked forward, he knew exactly what she was going to say, "You're here about the book," his voice was raspy and he pronounced the 'k' in book weird. She froze, it was like she was snared in a web. The man in front of her grinned, he saw what she was feeling, knowing.
"T-this book-"
"The book is cursed," the man interrupted, somewhat unlike him, however, it's not like he hasn't done it many times before, after thinking about that, which he is very self conscious, he thought of what would happen to the woman, "it is called... the spiders' spell, cliché name I might admit, however, I already have so many  spider themed curses," he giggled, which was terrifying.
"How do I get rid of it!" She almost yelled.
"Listen to it and let it solve its self," he said with a smile. He showed his teeth, they were rotten to the core and bent.
Only then did she realize how close he actually was. She back up and ran out, after work which was a mess, the visions. She drove home, hoping  that there wouldn't be anymore visions. She put the book down.

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