Black magic

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The mother's name was Tori, boy was she surprised at work. She set her purse on her desk, and logged in on her computer. The screensaver was completely black, which was strange since she had always had a family picture on, David (the dad), Jessica, and Angela. They all were in a group, Jessica was holing a big orangey cat. They all were smiling, but this just strange, the Windows on the screen formed a glitchy web, the icons were placed in such a way that they made them be in two places at once, and even more glitchy is that a grid system on the computer shouldn't allow the icons to be in such a way. It kept bleeping creepily, then it stopped when a phone call sound came from in her purse. When she opened her purse, she saw the book, from the store, with that terrifying man. She got angry and grabbed the book and went into the girls bathroom, and doused it with water and tore up the pages. Then she left it in the trash. She went back to her office to find her phone laying on her desk. There was a missed phone call, but the number was glitched out green.
Then a lot, A LOT of text messages that said in all caps, 'GIVE THEM THE BOOK!' The computer sparked then smoked, and then split open. Then her phone fell apart. She screamed. The book was once again in her purse, she turned around, stress going to another level.
"Mrs, Frendike?" A lady knocked them walked in. She turned gasping, but the area was back to normal," what's wrong..." She waited for a response.
"Oh, it's nothing, you just startled me," she said, she was holding her chest and breathing weird.
"There were some strange phone calls, specifically asking for-r, you have a SPIDER on your shoulder!" She screamed.
"W-what!" She turned her head, and screamed and fell over, the spider was big and brown with Nasty features, she whipped and snapped and finally killed it," huh," she was out of breath.
"Wow," the desk assistant was almost laughing.
"That wasn't funny," Tori said. She went home feeling the anxiety pushing her patience. Tomorrow, she's going to have a talk with that man.

So, I don't know if I'm a good writer, you guys can comment. Sure hope I am. This was just a fun chapter, oh and she (the mom) just saw random visions, if that wasn't clear.


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