Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey look.. I did that thing that I said I wouldn't do.. I sorry.. But ohmahgerd!! So many views!! ☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆ Thank you guys so much!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I swear I'll have the next one up quicker. Consider this an early Christmas present. Please vote/comment/whatever and Merry Christmas!!!

With Francis:

"ARTHUR!! COME BACK!!" Francis shouted, running out after Arthur. It was too late. "Arthur!! Arthur!!" Francis panted and twirled around, panic showing clearly in his eyes. Arthur was gone and it was all his fault. He couldn't see the blonde boy anywhere. People were starting to give him odd looks seeing as he probably looked like a crazy man, still dressed in his pajamas and shouting a name out.

It was no use. Francis quickly went back home so he could get dressed, he was not giving up on Arthur that easily. He didn't care how bad he looked. He only cared about finding his Arthur at the moment. Screw everything else. As soon as he had some proper clothes on, he was back outside and looking for his precious Angleterre.

"Avez-vous vu ce garçon?" Francis asked a couple that he almost ran into, showing them a picture of Arthur that he had taken when Arthur wasn't paying attention. His breath hitched when they nodded and pointed in the general direction of where they had seen him. "Merci!" He shouted to them as he took off quickly, in hopes of catching Arthur.

Francis asked a few more people if they had seen Arthur, some said yes and pointed where and others said no. It seemed like Arthur had stayed in the general area and hadn't wandered too far off. Francis sighed and momentarily paused to catch his breath from all that running around. He turned around when he felt someone watching him but saw no one there. 

"Mon amour? Is that you?" Francis called out hopefully, knowing that the chances of it being Arthur were low. He slowly walked towards the area where he thought he felt eyes but suddenly jumped in fright when his phone went off. 

"Allô?" Francis asked, frowning as rapid German flooded his brain. "Gil. Gil! Calm down! What's the problem?" He nodded to what was being said and pinched the bridge of his nose, briefly thinking about the number of times Arthur did that because of him. 

"So you upset Roderich and you're what? Coming to hide at my house? Wait, you're already at my house? GIL! What have I said...oui I know...non I'm very busy...I said non.." Francis groaned at how stupid his friend could be. "Non. You are here and you will help me now. I'll be there soon."

Francis sighed, glancing back to where he was going to go before he was interrupted. He shook his head sadly and turned only to bump into someone. "Excusez-moi!" He exclaimed, jumping back to put room between the two of them. 

"It's no problem," a gruff American voice answered him. 

Francis stared in surprise at the man in front of him. Could it be? No.. Maybe? The man looked exactly like the one that had offered Arthur lollipops when they had went shopping. The one that put an arm around his little Arthur. He frowned. "Do I by any chance know you? You look familiar.." He did look familiar and it wasn't just from that one time. Francis knew that he had seen this man somewhere before.

"Must be your imagination. I have to go now." The American said quickly, and if Francis didn't know any better than he'd say nervously too.

The Frenchman glanced down to the large bag that the man was holding but stepped aside without a single word. He didn't have time to talk to random strangers, he needed to pick Gil up and continue looking for Arthur.

As soon as he arrived at his house he could hear his friend blabbering loudly in German. Francis walked in and saw Gilbert sitting on the couch, talking to someone, probably Ludwig, and watching the news. But the moment he saw Francis, he finished his conversation and hung up.

"Mein bruder is so unawesome sometimes," Gilbert groaned, kicking his feet up on the table. "What's up Francey-pants? You seem rushed."

"Mon ami, I am in the middle of a crisis! I do not have time to hang out! I must find mon petit Arthur!"

The Prussian sat up with a confused look. "Eyebrows? What'd he do now?"

Francis fiddled his fingers nervously and sat down next to his albino friend. Gilbert could tell from the way Francis was acting that this was a serious matter. 

"Arthur.. He's been staying over for a few days due to a magic mistake that turned him into a child.. But he ran away this morning and I have been searching for him since then.. This is no joke Gil. I'm worried about mon amour.. He's only un petit garçon and he doesn't know the streets of Paris at all.. Hell, he can't speak French to save his life!" Francis explained the whole problem to Gil.

Gilbert whistled in astonishment. "Definitely wasn't expecting that. You got your hands full with that Brit. Well lucky for you the awesome me will help you find your lousy boyfriend."

"Arthur is not lousy Gil. He's just hotheaded and rude and swears a lot and...he's just misunderstood."

"And you haven't said anything about him not being your boyfriend either. Lover boy, it is time to find your angry little ass of a man!" Gilbert exclaimed loudly, standing up and pointing towards the ceiling. 

"And you wonder why Arthur hates you." Francis said with a shake of his head as he stood up.

"Ja ja whatever you say mutti. Just remem-"

"GILBERT TAIS-TOI!" Francis suddenly interrupted with a shout. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Turn that up! Quickly!"

Gilbert did as he was told and turned up the volume on the television.

"-and so we advise that all parents and guardians keep a close eye on their children. The police is still in the process of apprehending this wanted man."

 "Non.." Francis muttered in horror, staring at the face they were showing on the news. Now he remembered.. That man. The man that was with Arthur that day when they were shopping. How could he have been so stupid. "Non..non..non..non.. NON!!"

"Mon Arthur is in danger!! Gil we must hurry!! Arthur..mon Arthur..mon Angleterre..mon amour.." Francis mumbled to himself. How could this have happened?! He was suppose to protect Arthur! He stopped and paled as he suddenly remembered something. Today..he ran into that man today and.. 

"Mon dieu.." Francis whispered, remembering the massive bag the man had with him. 

"Franny! Snap out of it and come on! I'm guessing that that guy probably has something to do with your problem." Gil stood by the door, looking serious for once.

"He..he.. Mon petit Arthur..he might.." Francis muttered as Gil pulled him out of the house. "Mon ami! We must find Arthur before that man does!"


Don't worry Arthur.. I will find you before that man does.. Francis thought to himself as both he and Gil ran down the street. The name Edgar Von Grail echoing in his head like a time bomb. 

A Frenchman, a Brit, and a Magic Mistake (FrUk)Where stories live. Discover now