Young and stupid.

Start from the beginning

We soon arrived outside and we hid behind some rocks and looked around. 4 guards were on the door.'' Mind if I take over Cap?'' I asked. He smiled at me.'' Go ahead.'' He laughed.'' Kay here's the plan. Thor, Steve you take out the guards and the guards inside, While me and James go in and rescue the prisoners.'' James you go in and get Enzo and Jason, They'll be in the prison and I'll get Charlotte, she should still be in my room. Got it?'' I asked. They all nodded. Thor and Steve dived over the rocks and took out the guards easily. Me and James ran up too them and we quietly got in and I went on my search for Charlotte and we all split up. I silently ran up the stairs towards my room. One guard ran was coming down the stairs.''He-'' He shouted but I held my hand up and cut off his airway. He fell to the ground suffocated and I carried on running to my room. Moments later I got to it and seen that Charlotte wasn't there.'' Shit.'' I mumbled. Where would Loki put her? He wouldn't kill her. No just yet, He'd use her against me. Maybe his room. I sprinted round to is room and ran in stepping on a pressure bomb. Shit. I looked up too his bed and seen Charlotte tied to his bed unconcious.'' Charlotte.'' I hissed quietly. No answer. I took a pen out of my bed and she shot awake gasping.'' Em?'' She said confused. She looked down and gasped.'' This bomb has enough power to blow up this whole building. Now. Use this pen to unpick he lock around your hand cuffs.'' I said simply trying to keep my balance.'' What about if Loki comes back?'' She asked scared.'' He wont, he's gone far away now. And before you ask, James is fine, he's downstairs getting Enzo and Jason. Thor and Steve, Yes the ones from Avengers are taking out guards now please hurry.'' I said hurrying her up. She got out off her handcuffs and walked up too me and gasped.'' Thats not a bomb that will blow.'' She said kneeling down. I looked at her confused.'' Trust me, I know bombs, We got taught about this special type, It's connected to a bunch or wires around this building and when you get off it the building will go up in flames in a matter of seconds.'' She said looking around.'' Up there, can you see the red line above his bed, Thats one off them, and down there near your foot, Theres on there too. This room will be in fire in about 3.456 seconds with the about of wire that I've found, There's many more in his room and about the building.'' Can you undo it?'' I asked hopefully.'' Not this type of bomb.'' She sighed.'' It's fine. Get out of here now, I have a plan which will make us both survive,'' I said. She nodded and ran out of the door.'' Be cautious of any over traps.'' I said as she ran out. To be honest, I didn't have a plan which involves me surviving. Ha oops. There's probably about 1.0001% Of we surviving this. I sighed and took my foot off the pad and sprinted too the stairs. Well whatever stairs was left. The middle of the stairs had been burned so it seperated. I took a couple of steps back and ran up to the flame summersaulting over the flames. The flames whipped my leg and I felt a burn forming on my thigh. I hissed in pain and carried on my way down the stairs.''It;s your fault.'' I heard a voice come from behind me. I twisted around and seen Danny.'' This isn't real...This isn't real.'' I said turning back around and carrying on forward. I cpuld see the front door infront of me and I hobbled to it but I felt my foot snap a wire.'' Shit.'' I shouted before i seen the place start too blow up.

Tony's P.O.V

How could she be so naive. It would be so much easier if she came back with us, got her rest and we went tomorrow with all the team.'' She's so stupid, It's not like I'm going to go after her.'' I said walking up and down the cabin. Natahsa and Clint looked at me.'' I'm going after her aren't I?'' I said honestly. They both nodded and I ran out calling my suit. I jumped up into the air as my last part of my suit attached. I flew to the hideout, there was smoke coming from the building. I seen some people stood outside. I landed next too them. James, Thor, Steve and two people who I didn't know stood there. The door opened and a woman came out coughing. It wasn't Emily dammit.'' Charlotte.'' I heard James scream as he ran for her. He picked her up and took her too the rest of us and layed her down. Everyone was asking her stuff my my eyes were glued to the door.'' Come on. Come on.'' I mumbled frustratingly.'' Shut!'' I heard someone shout and we all flew backwards as and explosion occured. Moments later we was all stood staring at the building. Were the hell is Emily. All the smoke cleared and I seen a forcefield which had holes through it. Emily stood there knees trembling. I ran up too her and catched her as she fell to the floor. She looked into my eyes.'' Ow.'' She mumbled. I chuckled. All the rest if the team ran up too us. I lifted her up bridal style and flew her to Bruce to get help. I got outside and ran in and placed her on the bed.'' I'll be fine.'' She said waving me away.'' Dude you just nearly got toasted of course you're not okay.'' Clint said staring at her.'' Im not a Marshmallow, ha get it. Because Marshmallows get toasted HA.'' She said giggling.'' That was terrible.'' I said shaking my head.'' Pfft it was fabulous.'' She said quietly.'' We have a jet in the way to pick us up and take us back to my tower so you can sleep now.'' I said stroking her face and placing a piece of hair behind her ear. Her eyes drifted shut and I held her hand. This wont be the last time something bad happens...I can feel it.


I have no excuse for a late update on the story...Just had writers block for ages and had no idea what to do.

and its been stressful


peace ya'll :)

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