chapter 27 *

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My parent's, aunt and uncle, my brother and my cousin where all out I was stuck with a cold. Simba was the one in charge of taking care of me. My brother would probably had to do it, but he is on a date. Yes there dating and there parents both said they could. "Kim here is some chicken noodle soup and some crackers." "Thank you Simba." I said with a smile. Then all of a sudden he leaned down and kissed me. My eyes opened wide with shock, but it all went away as I melted into the kiss. I rapped my arms around his neck and he did the same to my waist. He pulled away. "I have a confession. I love you. And not the way I should." "I love you too." He pecked my lips and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes," I whispered into his ear. He smiled and we started making out again.


Hey guy's I know it's been a while, but I've had major writers block. This is the last chapter of ' love is amazing'. But don't be sad I'm going to make a sequel. I don't know when but it will happen. Happy holidays. Love always raphaelray03.

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