chapter 23 *

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Mikey POV

I woke up with my head on Donnie's chest. I got up and went to the nursery to check on Kimberly and Flame. Aww they look so peaceful sleeping. "Hey Mikey what are you doing baby?" Donnie said as he rapped his arm's around me. "Nothing just checking on them." "Ok, I'm hungry can you make breakfast?" Wait today is Monday Leo has to make breakfast today. "No it's Leo's turn so go ask him." "Fine baby." He lined down and kissed me then left.

Donnie POV

I walked to Raph and Leo's room. I knocked on the door no answer. I opened the door to find Raph with his dick out. "Donnie, don't just open the door when ever you want to!!!" "S-sorry I-i just w-was looking for L-leo." Then Raph's angry face turned into a smug face. He got off the bed and walked to me. "Raph what are you doing?" He then pushed me up against the wall and locked the door. Shit, what is he going to do to me. "Donnie, relax this won't hurt.... much." He leaned down and kissed me. I didn't kiss back but he picked me up by my thighs and through me on the bed. Before I could do any thing he was on top of me, pining me down. "Raph please stop. We both are married. I love Mikey, you love Leo. I have kids, you have kids." "Well I'm horny. I want dat' ass of yours.".........To be continued.


Hey guys sorry it's been a while but here you go. I wonder what's going to happen next and why Raph's acting like this. Love always raphaelray03.

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