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A fish in a bowl simply swims.

That's understandable, right? But what is the fish is thinking while it simply swims. If you were a fish, what would you think about?

The universe is broad in range.

That's not simple, but it's explainable, right? But what if we are simply organisms on the back of a turtle shell. How would you feel?

Understanding things is different for each person. Telling another to understand like someone else isn't simple, nor is it easy. So why do it?

We hide our emotions under a thick smile of inner rage. Strangely the reason always comes back to us. We are simply to feel alone all the time. Is that our fate, and if it were, why accept it?

What if that fish is going through something no one could ever understand? Wouldn't you like to try to understand?

What if my support isn't what you are looking for? Maybe, you should have stayed silent. The one time the truth wasn't needed. It cut deeper than a knife being stabbed and jabbed throw your heart and not once, but a good thousand times.

Being told to feel or be like another is selfish...... but I can't hate you. I never could, but I do hate your ignorance. You say things without knowing the depth of your words.

Understanding was made for us all to communicate feeling through a way to connect and be able to relate.

So why is it so hard? And why do I feel as though I'd rather go unexplained?

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