"I think you should tell him how you feel, even if you already have. You need to tell him."

"Okay, your turn." I said, clapping and jumping up and down.

He spilled his guts about him and Erik, and how much he really likes him. I think it's so adorable! I gave him the best advice i could. I really hope he takes it to heart. I left the bathroom so he could have some time to think. Everyone was still at the table getting along, awh! So cute, two rival schools actually chatting like friends. I checked my phone, oh crap!

"Baby, we have 10 minutes to get to school." I said, dragging Dustin and Emi outside.

We rushed to school. Once we got there we sat in the car though. I kept looking at Dustin, then back at the wheel, and so on.

"Dustin, why havn't I met your parents yet? You've punched my dad in the face but I still havn't met yours." I mumbled.

"It's just not a good time."

"It's never a good time!" I yelled stepping out of the car, I slammed the door and walked towards school.

Like, is he embarassed of me? Am i not good enough to meet his parents. Jesus. I hurried to my locker and grabbed my books. most of the halls were cleared and everyone was in class. Except this one girl walking down the hall. She has blonde hair and was a little overweight.

"Ecxuse me, do you know where the office is?" She asked, walking up to me.

"Uh, yeah, just down the hall." i said, closing my locker. her eyes widened when she saw the word 'fag' written all over it.

"Wait, you're the gay kid i've heard so much about?" She asked. I nodded. "Ew, you're disgusting. You're going to hell." She said bumping past me. As she walked down the hallway i heard the biggest fart in my whole lifetime.

"You did not just fart?" I asked, she turned around and gave me a dirty look. "Oh, you call me disgusting? Check your pants, I think you might have a brown stain now."

I turned around and started walking to English. Oh great, Dustin's in that class with me. The teacher gave me the whole lexture about how being late is bad then gave me whatever assignment she had for us today. Oou a word search? How old are we. She must have forgotten to make a lesson plan for today, well i'm not complaining!

"over here Honey Boo-Boo!" Emily shouted from our usual corner in the class." I walked over and sat beside Liz, on the opposite side of Dustin. How did he even get here before me? Oh yeah, that farter in the hallway distracted me.

"Okay, so I was in the hallway and this rude homophobic girl farted, SO LOUD!" I said to our group. Everyone started laughing.

"She just let it rip in the hallway?" Liz asked.

"Dayum, that's attractive! if i wasn't with liz i'd just be hitting that." Emi said, laughing. Liz slapped her in the arm. "What? C'mon liz, how could you resist that farting girl. Like, so hot!" She said in a sterotypical girl voice.

After the teacher glared at us we finished our assignment. Well part of it. Okay fine the tiniest bit, we were too busy singing and laughing. It's our senior year, who cares? After school was over Dustin met me at my locker.

"Hey baby." I said leaning up, wrapping my arms around him I gave him a long tender kiss. "So what are we doing tonight?"

"Well I thought we should go to a movie." He kissed me, and we walked out to his car.

When we got to the mall I gave him puppy-dog eyes, sighing he bent over and let me jump on his back. Yaas!  #whipped. Wuv my piggy back giving boyfriend. He walked to the theatre, and looked at the movies.

"Let's see Sex Tape!" I said clapping. He smiled and bought the tickets, the theatre guy gave us a werido look cause I was on his shoulders.

"Walking is lame! piggy back rides from my sexy godly penis loving boyfriend, isn't lame."  stuck my tonuge out at him, his reaction ommmg.

We walked in and took our seatz dawg. Yeah, i'm a g, clearly. I chose the really high seats, cause there was no one in them. makeout sesh! I started clapping, Dustin gave me an odd look.

"Don't judge your boyfrannnnnnd!" Laughing, he kissed me.

He pulled me loser, biting my bottom lip. I let him enter my mouth, climbing onto his lap. Grindring our hips together, he kissed me harder, tightning his grip on me. I got this marvelous dirty idea. I started sucking on his neck, and slid my lips down his shirt, to his waist. I started unzipping his pants.

"Julian, we're in a theatre"

Exactly! it's dark and adventerous." I said winking.

"I pulled down his boxers too, he was already 'extending' himself. I stroked him, Dustin closed his eyes and rested his head back. I took him in my mouth, sucking like this shit was a lolipop. A yummy Dustin lolipop! I made my way up and down, Dustin letting out quiet moans. After a minute, Dustin came in my mouth, I swallowed it eagerly. He pulled me back up, kissing me intesenfully. 

"Wow." He said smiling.

I cuddled up to him, as best as we could do it in these movie seats. Curse these for not letting me be super close to by moyfriend, terroist movie seats! We started actually watching the movie this time, he kept sneaking in kisses whenever he could.


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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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