Chapter 1: Unwanted Guest

Start from the beginning

I didn't know if ghosts could actually touch or bring physical harm to humans as I hadn't been well acquainted with the undead but I wasn't willing to find out.

''I can see you trembling from here.'' He said, laughter swimming in his eyes as he took another step towards me.

"It's cold!" I replied indignantly, tapping my foot against the floor boards; a habit I had for when I felt nervous or scared. Of course we both knew I was lying but I refused to let the ghost intimidate me.

He cocked his head to the side as he ran his eyes over my form before flicking them back to my face.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly, "and why is it that you can see me?"

My eyes lingered over the room, not meeting his eyes. I remained indecisive to what my course of action would be next. I couldn't call mum as she couldn't see ghosts nor could I run away as he was barricading the only route of escape I had with his body and I had no way in knowing if ghosts could come into physical contact with humans. I wouldn't take the risk in finding out that for sure.

Even if I did manage to escape; what then? I couldn't spontaneously ask mum to relocate somewhere else. Just thinking about the hundreds of questions she would ask made my head hurt.

I felt a slight pain on my forehead and came to the current situation with a start. I realized when I had been spacing out, the ghost had shortened the distance between us and used his forefinger and thumb to flick my forehead. I stumbled back in surprise and in my haste, tripped and fell on my back with undignified grace.

''Quite the clumsy creature, aren't you?" the ghost said

"You shouldn't sneak up on people. You'd give them a fright." I mumbled indignantly, ignoring the irony of my sentence as I hastily stood up.

"Who are you?" He asked again, a frown replacing his earlier smirk of amusement as he stared down at me.

I swallowed, taking in his tall frame. I decided to tell him just in case he decided to stop interrogating me and instead harming me in some way.

"My names Zei. What about yours?" I inquired.

"What an unusual name." He said, completely ignoring my question. I was starting to get annoyed with his arrogant attitude.

"I've told you my name. It's common courtesy to give your name in return." I huffed in annoyance, crossing my arms over my chest as I glared at the ghost in front of me.

He tilted his head to one side as his green eyed gaze remained steady on my profile, not a flicker of emotion anywhere on his too-beautiful-to-be-real face.

"What?" I asked, growing more aware of my unfastidious appearance. I had to curl my fingers around my forearms to staunch the urge to pat down my hazelnut coloured hair. The ghost shook his head slowly from side to side, dropping his icy green orbs to the bare floor, giving me a small sense of relief.

A stretched silence ensued as neither one of us spoke. I swallowed, my gaze flitting around the room, ignoring how odd the situation looked in every perspective, not knowing what to do.


My eyes returned to meet his, a ghost of a smile placed on his lips.

"Cole." I said, testing the familiarity of his name on my tongue.

"Yes." He drawled out, "As I've just said, Miss Parrot."

Clearing my throat, I raised my hand to my hair and swept it out of my eyes, overlooking his remark. In doing so, I had gained the sharp gaze of the ghost yet again as he scrutinized me.

"Can you stop doing that." I said, my eyes looking anywhere but at him. I couldn't quite comprehend with the full situation yet, finding it almost unbelievable that I was currently talking to a supernatural being.

"Doing what?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious as he pulled down the corners of his lips, confusion flitting across his handsome features.

"Staring at me." The coldness of the room had long since begun to seep through my clothes which consisted of baggy black trousers and a thin navy T-Shirt. I had long since abandoned my coat once the fire had been lit up in the living room hearth. I knew before long my teeth would start to chatter, and with the present company I had in the room, I knew it would be nothing short of embarrassing.

Cole was silent for quite a bit of time, so much so I raised my eyes to meet his, only to realize I was looking at an empty doorway.

He had disappeared. Simply vanishing into thin air.

I was left alone, standing in the middle of the room not knowing what do to.

A/N- Many thanks to QueenLaundry for the awesome cover/banner.  :)

Update 12/12/2016- Editing cringe worthy spelling and grammar errors 

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