The Lunch Table

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The bell rang and I looked at my schedule: ADVISORY-Clawson-202

I hared about Mr. Clawson. He's funny but gives a lot of homework.

"Who do you have for advisory, Shy?" Rowan asked as Shyanne pulled out her wrinkled schedule.

"Brimner." She said

"Me too." Lui said

"Room 201?" Marcel asked. They nodded, "Me three."

I looked at the clock on the wall, we still have 20 minutes until the tardy bell rang. As if on cue, an announcement rang over the school, "Ignore the bell."

"(Y/N), who do you have?" Shyanne asked me.

"Clawson." I said, checking twice. "So, who has Huffington?" I asked looking at every one.

"I do." Brock said.

"Good luck." Chris said.

"Why?" Brock asked

"According to the students that had her last year, she doesn't let you talk." Chris said getting all smart about it.

"Rule ten." I joined in.

"Rule ten?" Daithi asked

"Rule ten is where you don't speak unless spoken to." I explained.

Brock nodded, "Who do you have Chris?"

Chris pulled out a ball of paper and unwrapped it. "Clawson." He said. I looked over his shoulder and looked at the bottom: ADVISORY-Huffington-204.

"Chris, you have Mrs. Huffington." I said. He immediately looked at me.

"What? Are you blind? Look." He said pointing to the top of the schedule.

"1st hour-Clawson-202." I read out loud. Then I pointed to the bottom, "ADVISORY-Huffington-204."

Chris made an oohhh face and everybody snickered.

"I've got Clawson too, Chris." Tyler said and showed Chris he schedule. I read it too: ADVISORY-Kirchhoffer-108. I laughed. So did Chris.

"Me and Johnathan h-" Evan started to say but got interrupted by Shyanne.

"Johnathan and I..."

Evan glared at her, then continued on, "Johnathan and I have Mr. Clawson too."

Chris got mad and said, "Okay, I get it. I can't read a schedule, sorry."

"No we're not kidding. Look." Johnathan said handing Chris his schedule. I read over his shoulder: ADVISORY-Clawson-202.

"Oh." Chris said as a light pink crossed his face.

We all looked at our schedules, and said who we had for advisory. I seen Shyanne write something down. I walked next to her to see what it was. It was a list, "ADVISORYS" labeled the top :


Mrs. Brimner-203: Me, Lui, Marcel, Luke

Mr. Clawson-202: (Y/N), Korban, Evan, Johnathan

Mr. Kirchhoffer-108: Tyler, Arlan, Daithi

Mrs. Huffington-204: Rowan, Chris, Brock

Mr. Sanders-101: Brian, Craig

"Why are you writing this down?" I whispered.

"Because, if anyone forgets their schedule or I need to know where you are, I've got it right here." She whispered back, waving her notebook a bit. She pulled out her schedule and turned to the next page in the notebook. "What do you guys have for first hour?" She asked.

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