camila: a cuddle buddy would be nice

lauren: your tiny lil nose is so cutee omg

lauren: and your lips are so

lauren: wowo

lauren: im gay

camila: same

lauren: oH

lauren: wait where are you headed?

camila: tokyo 

lauren: ooo i thought i was miami for a sec

lauren: damn

camila: i know

camila: i wanna come home so badly

lauren: when do you?

camila: in about a week and a half i think

camila: im not really sure

lauren: for how long?

camila: 2 weeks before the next leg of the tour

lauren: thats good

camila: yeah a whole 2 weeks lmao

camila: great

lauren: no but for real you could spend some time with friends from back home and try to get some sleep, catch up on life and all i guess

camila: tru

camila: i could see you :))

lauren: yea

lauren: you could

camila: could i sleep w u

lauren: i mean i wouldnt be opposed but like idkk lmao

camila: nO NO

camila: duck

camila: fuck

camila: i meant like can i sleep w you as in just sleeping

camila: in the same bed

camila: and maybe some cuddling

lauren: ohh ok

lauren: yeah of course

camila: and thank you for ignoring my typo this time lmao

lauren: you're welcome :))

camila: whalecum**

camila: jk

lauren: dont evenn

camila: iM NOT

camila: im not

camila: but rly i just like sleeping w ppl

lauren: babee

camila: nO

camila: ughh

camila: i just like sleeping and having someone else sleeping next to me that occasionally touches me

lauren: touches you?

camila: why are u so rude wtff im trying

camila: i like sleeping next to someone else and holding them or being held

lauren: see was that so hard

camila: no 

camila: but like i legit couldnt come up w an explanation ok

lauren: sure baby

camila: why are u

camila: why are u calling me babe

lauren: why not

camila: its like

camila: conflicting

lauren: oh??

camila: yeahh

camila: like it makes me think ur my actual gf

lauren: thats not the only thing people do when they date tho

camila: i wouldnt know lmao

camila: ive never dated sooo

lauren: maybe we should fix that??

camila: omgyd

camila: wait

camila: wdym by that

lauren: lets get you a date

camila: ohhh

camila: yeah idkk im clumsy & akward so that probably wont go down well

lauren: you never know

camila: idkk

camila: lmao do u happen to have another  pic of ur short hair tho

lauren: i dont think so but i can take one real quick

lauren: one sec 

camila: yayayyaya :)))

lauren: ok actually im not taking one bc its late and shit but i do have one

lauren: *picture message*

camila: mY PREICOUS

camila: why are u so

camila: ughh but like u probably look so cute n cuddly rn

lauren: ehh

lauren: i mean

lauren: is messy hair and oversized tshirts your thing?

camila: hell yeah omg

camila: send me pics

lauren: nO

lauren: im not wearing any pants

camila: soo?

camila: is that supposed to make me not want pics 

camila: bc i want them more now lmao

lauren: maybee

lauren: but im really sleepy

camila: aw okk fine

camila: goodnightt my lil baby :))

camila: sweet dreamsssss

camila: i love u

lauren: ok ok goodnightt

lauren: try to get some sleep on your flight?

camila: i cant sleep on planes but i can try

camila: for you

camila: lmao im so sappy wtf

lauren: its cute tho, keep it up

lauren: listen to some chill music and pull out a stuffed animal

lauren: thatll work

camila: idkk 

camila: i can try

camila: but goodnighttt :))

lauren: nightyy night 


a/n: this is 69 in fanfiction i am going places in life :)))

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