"Sucks for you," I teased and crawled over the small table to throw myself at her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and held on as the taller girl attempted to stand up while I continued to hold onto her with both my arms and legs.

"Okay girls," I heard Rob's deep voice coming from down the hall, coming nearer with each step. "Scott brought them back, they're just around the corner."

"Holy shit," I breathed out. 

"Can you bring them back here? We're too tired to move," Dinah yelled as she pushed me off of her now that I was distracted. "You can go do that to Lauren now," The blonde muttered quietly as she got up to grab some snacks.

"Oh my god," A new voice filled the room. "Holy shit. Oh my god."

Dinah, Ally, and I all turned to face the two girls who just entered the room, all of us jumping to speak at the same time.

"Holy shit, you're real," The girl I assumed to be Normani whispered as she scanned all three of us.

"What the fuck, Chanco," Dinah turned to me with wide eyes. "You didn't tell me they were models or some shit."

I bit my lip and let my eyes roam Lauren's body briefly before the sound of someone clearing their voice filled the room. I looked away quickly, briefly looking around the room before returning my gaze to Lauren who was now staring at me with parted lips and furrowed brows.

"So," Ally spoke in attempt to clear the silence. "Did you guys enjoy the show?"

Lauren nodded while Normani burst into quite the variation of comments.

"Okay, I don't wanna be rude or anything, but why and how are we back here?" Lauren's raspy voice filled the room for the first time, only triggering a whole new set of butterflies in my stomach.

"We picked random seats to bring backstage," Dinah lied easily, sending me a small wink. "We do it every show."

"Oh," Lauren nodded and shifted in her place behind Normani awkwardly.

"Would you guys like to sit down?" Ally offered with a welcoming smile, ignoring the slight tension that overtook the room. 

"Yes please," Normani nodded and moved to recline in one our armchairs. "This feels like heaven."

"My bed is nicer," Dinah retorted quickly. "Just saying."

"Lauren, do you want to sit down?" Ally turned to the green eyed girl again.

"No, I'm good, thanks. I'll just wait over here," She mumbled and pulled out her phone with a quizical look.

"Alright, well, if you want to sit down you can sit next to me or Mila," The shortest offered with a kind smile.

Lauren nodded and turned to me, her eyes connecting with mine for a split second before darting back to her phone with furrowed brows.

lauren: yeah it was good

I almost opened up the app as I got the notification but stopped when I noticed Lauren's eyes set solely on me with her lips drawn together in question, slipping my phone back into my lap and tuning out Dinah, Normani, and Ally's conversation. I opened the app and saw Lauren's lips part as I typed away, her jaw clenching when she got the notification that arrived just after I had sent it.

camila: hey??

"Camila," Dinah snapped.


"Normani wanted to know if you're dating anyone," The blonde with annoyance present in her tone. We already got that question enough from interviewers, did we really need fans asking as well?

"Oh, no, I'm not," I forced a smile and glanced at Lauren nervously. "I do like someone, though."

"Okay, cool," Normani nodded before laughing and leaning further into the chair. "I'd like to say I don't care who you like but I'm kind of obsessed with yall and my chill is going to expire in, like, two minutes. So," She dragged out. "Who do you like?"

"Someone," I shrugged distractedly while I focused on Lauren typing on my screen.

lauren: what the fuck is this camila

camila: wdym

I bit my lip nervously and looked up hesitantly to find Lauren staring right at me just as I received another notification.

lauren: i think you know exactly what i mean 

camila: can i explain?

lauren: fine

camila: can we talk? were like 10 feet apart

lauren: not with them around

camila: ok fine

camila ill take u to my dressing room

lauren: ok

I stood up with a shaky breath and shoved my phone in my pocket, walking towards the raven haired girl that leaned against the door frame as slowly as possible so I could take in her appearance yet again. She looked me up and down and slipped out of the doorway silently so I could lead the way, only stopping when Dinah's voice came from around the corner.

"Where you two going?"

"Shut up," I yelled back, rolling my eyes slightly and nudging Lauren's hand in attempt to grasp only to have her pull away completely and falling behind as I lead the way. 

"Well then," Dinah yelled back. "Have fun, be safe. Don't get too freaky."

I blushed but continued our short walk to my dressing room, unlocking the door and holding it open for Lauren before following her with a soft laugh.

"You know, under different circumstances I'd make a sexual joke," I ran a hand through my hair  nervously. 

"Why couldn't you just be honest with me?"

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