Chapter 15

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After school Devin picked me up. Legend told me he don't go to his game because Jarnell woke up from his coma. I don't know if I could fuck with Legend because if I get to close and go back and tell Jarnell so he can keep tabs on me I will be pissed but Imma see.

Today was my Doctor's appointment to just go over things for Young Mother's and due dates and stuff like that.

"How was your day at school?". Devin said as I put my seat belt on.

"It's good I'm glad I only got 3 more days after the weekend". I said thanking God.

"You hungry or anything?". He said turning towards  me.

"Yes can you stop at Wendy's?". I said thinking of what to get.

He nodded his head. After Devin said that to me last night,my feelings for him grew stronger. I mean I always thought the Man was finneeee but I just been having these feelings for him.I never really thought of having a boyfriend, I never knew anyone would like me in that type of way.With Jarnell touching me I thought all niggas was disgusting but being with him change my feelings around. But Devin is grown he probably wouldn't want young girl like me,and he have HOES like it some many of them he probably don't think of me in that way.


I was waiting for my name to be called while I ate my Chocolate Ice cream it tasted some bomb right now. Devin was texting someone on his phone smiling at whoever he talking to,which was pissing me off that bitch couldn't be texting something that good 😒.

"Jamarie Dime". The nurse called out.

I stood up and took my Brown Paper  they gave me when I first walked in (If your a girl you know what that is..Hopefully?)

"It's Jamari". I said correcting her.

"Okay well go to room 32".She said getting with a attitude.

She better be lucky i'm not in the mood to be arguing with folks right now. Devin followed me to the back room and the Doctor greeted me.

"How are you Ms.Jamari Dime?".He said taking my bag so they can do a pregnancy test.

"I'm Good". I said sitting down.

A nurse came in and took my bag and left back out and my doctor logged on his computer.

We waited a bit and the nurse finally came back and the test came back positive as I knew it probably would.The doctor talked my head off about what will be happen in the next 9 or so months. He ran a few tests and told me what can possibly happen to me or the baby due to me being a Young Teenage mother but I already know my child is gonna have a few problems either way it go. He told me I was 8 weeks pregnant which was accurate and my baby should be here January  some time.

"Jamari i'm gonna wrap this up and prescribe your vitamins and give them to you in the front".He said getting up.

I nodded my head and put my pamphlets he gave me in my purse and stood up. I looked over at Devin and he was still staring into his phone,which was really getting to me. I walked out the room to  exit the room. I walked down the hallway and the same nurse that caught a attitude with me earlier.

"Have a Nice Day Jamarie".She said giving me my stuff.

This Bitch. Imma just be classy and not even say nothing, I was already mad at Devin the whole time he was in there whispering on the phone with some girl. He's not mines but I just feel something towards him.Let's say you got a crush at school and he flirting with some girl other then you ...You would feel some way,Well I know I would.

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