Chapter 5

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My mom took us up the Mall saying we can get something but she was still preaching saying she don't have to do this.

"Go in that store Jamari".My Mom said pointing into Victoria Secret.

I didn't hesitate I walked in the store with Jayonna. I hate the workers here they always staring thinking someone trying to steal.

I picked up a shirt and carried it with me looking at other stuff.

"I'm tryna treat you out and you acting like you don't want nothing now we can go back home if you keeping playing, grab a hoodie,panties,it's bras over there quit playing Mari". My mom said picking up stuff throwing stuff at me.

"Take this and do whatever I'm going to the Children's Place,come on Pissy Girl". She said snatching Jayonna hand.

After getting embarrassed by her I counted the money she gave me 200 hundred dollars. Wonder why she's in a good mood.

I started picking up stuff like she said and went to the front and they Bagged up stuff . I had 50 dollars left and decided to save it for hard times. I walked out the store and I looked around for the Children's Place .

"Jamari what are you doing here?". I heard Jarnell yell.

I turned around to face him and he was with a group of dudes including Legend walking with Bags they must did a lot of shopping.

"Momma came here". I said ready to leave.

"Take this". He said slapping some money in my hand.

He walked away and I took a quick glance at Legend but he was already staring at me. I looked the other the direction and walked to the store my mom was in.

She was already at the cash register taking her wallet out . Jayonna carried the bags out the store.

"Mommy bought a lot of stuff". She said opening the bag.

"Mhmm I see". I said looking down in the bag.

"Come on Girls". She said walking out.

She walked towards the exit I guess she was ready to go.

"Ma can Jamari stay with me". Jarnell said stopping my mother.

"You better look after her I don't wanna be up at No hospital Jarnell". She said shaking her head.

"We not Momma". He said pulling me towards him.

I watched my Mother and Sister leave as I was being pulled by my brother.

"You don't say shit to my friends just be quiet". He said walking towards the food court.

"Why did I have to come?". I said lowly.

"Because I wanted you to come". He said pushing me towards his friends.

I rolled my eyes and sat down and he sat next to me.

"You still hitting on your sister?". One of them said chuckling .

"Hell Yeah this my rag doll,but we gotta talk about business". He said taking a bit of pizza.

He tells his friends? Oh my god now Legend knows.

"Jamari how about you do something useful and go buy you something". He said mean mugging me.

He handed me more money and I left.. I felt so embarrassed. 

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