twenty-one - dinner

Start from the beginning

"I never thought I'd see the day where you got all red just because you mentioned me in a conversation with someone else." Austin says cheekily, the grin still on his face.

"Ugh, I hate getting all flustered because of stupid things like that. Sorry." Ally shrugs it off, rolling her eyes and covering her face with her hands.

Austin smile flatters a bit and he gives a sad nod, before nudging her slightly. "I-I actually think it's pretty cute, you know. Since I'm always getting flustered and stuff."

Ally uncovers her face and looks up at him. He was staring at the ceiling, but she still cuddles deeper into his side and under his arm. "Well, we, uh, talked about how you made me feel and stuff and she brought up Jasper, saying to be careful with myself, but I told her you were a good guy and wouldn't let her even think you were like him."

Austin's gaze from the ceiling switches to her and he watches as she engagingly tells him about her talk.

"We talked about Kira, too. I know you believe she's a nice girl and all, but you should know that's she's great at manipulating. So don't go by the stupid saying: keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. I mean, if you want to keep your enemies closer, keep your girlfriend closest."

"Then what am I going to keep my mom? Closerest?"

"Works for me."

Austin gives her a skeptical look while Ally just shrugs. The both of them stare a bit long before smiling and bursting out into a small fit of giggles.

"Closerest," she giggles and tracing the middle of his chest with her thumb. "That should be in the dictionary."

"It could be a compound word," Austin laughs, moving his arm under her back and wrapping her closer to him. "Like together."

Ally, who was slightly dozing off, giggles and opens her eyes. "Together isn't a compound word, Austin."

"Yes it is. To, get, her. To-get-her. There's three words in that."

Ally sits ups, scared she was gonna choke on her own spit if she laughed while lying down. Her laughter I'd a beautiful sound to here, especially when he's the reason she's laughing.

There's a knock on the door and Austin yells a 'come in!'.

His mother enters the room and looks at the two of them with a smile. She really likes Ally; being that Ally was Austin's first girlfriend, just seeing him so... engaged with her and her being the same was her favorite sight.

"Ally, did you want to stay for dinner? I made homemade pizza." His mother asks, smiling at the two.

Austin sits up excitedly and stands, pulling her up. "My mom's homemade pizza is the best, Ally. You gotta try it."

She laughs and grins at him before turning to the cheesing brunette mother. "I'd love to stay."

"Alright, dinner should be done in about ten." She smiles at the two before stepping back and closing the door.

Ally turns around and grabs his hands, grinning as she backed them back towards the bed. "How's your mom?"

Austin shrugs and holds her waist as they stumble back on the bed. "She's doing fine. She and her boyfriend, Thomas, are having a few complicated and stuff, but I'm sure they'll be fine."

"What's going on with them?" She asks, moving her hand to the back of his head to play with his baby hair on his neck.

"It's nothing other than time issues and stuff since she just a new promotion, so it'll be alright."

Going Red - An Auslly FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now