When he eventually had composed himself enough to look at Sammy, he turned around and she'd gone, left the room. With a groan he scurried off after her.


The spare room door snapped open and Sammy leaned out, "SSHHH! Ellie's still asleep."

With that she closed the door on him.

What should he do? Go to work and leave them there? Stay and wait? He wanted to go and bury his head in the sand, but that wasn't an option, not know. He knew he had to wait.

Two cups of coffee later and there was still no sign of her emerging. So calmer he made for the spare room again, tapping the door he opened it to see her under the covers next to Eleanor, the rise and fall of the duvet indicating that they were both asleep. With a sigh he closed the door then called Jan. He had an hour until he was needed in the office, so instead he got his laptop and started on his emails.

Sammy opened her eyes and yawned, she couldn't believe she'd fallen back asleep. Reaching for her phone on the bedside table, she groaned when she saw it was out of charge. She still didn't have any clothes to wear, so she had to make do with the shirt, that was now unbelievably creased.

Turning to her left she smiled at the face of the person who'd woken her, Eleanor.

"Hey little lady, you ok?"

She giggled uncontrollably; presumably the fever of the previous night had eased.

"Shall we go see what Uncle Joel has for breakfast?"

Nodding she sat up. Sammy held out her arms as she got out of bed and carried her into the lounge. Opening the door, she immediately spotted Joel bent over the dining table embroiled in something on his computer screen, but at the sound of the door opening he looked up and met her eyes.

Then he jumped to his feet closing the lid on his laptop.

"You're up! I've got to be in the office in half an hour, I didn't want to just leave you here, but I didn't want to wake you."

She nodded, "no sleep last night, didn't realise I was quite that tired."

Sammy bit her lip as he stared at her; his eyes were everywhere but on her and he looked as flighty as a scared cat.

"You two want breakfast?"

"I can sort that, if you trust us to let ourselves out?"

He ran a hand through his hair, exasperated, "of course I trust you."


Filling his laptop and his papers into his bag he reached for his coat, "ok, thanks."

"Is that is?" She finally asked as he reached the front door. He glanced back nervously and she shook her head, he was about to walk away. "Are we going to pretend last night didn't happen? IS that how it goes? Can you do that?"

He stammered, unable to find the words, but when he did he crushed her, "that was your father-in-law, you're my best friend's wife. It was a mistake Sammy."

Literally gasping out loud, she stepped towards him, but he moved back, fear crossing his face, "a mistake?"

He nodded, "we're friends, Marcus would like that."

"But he wouldn't like you shagging me on your sofa."

Joel recoiled as though she'd hit him, "I'll help you move..."

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