Bloody City Characters/Information

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You can skip this if you want it's just telling you who's in it and some of their info so yea.

Character's/ Information:

Rico: Female, Age: 16, Sweet, kind, Very Skilled, intelligent, cool, bad-ass.  Knows how to use long range weapons. High School girl.

Leon: Male, Age: 27, Kind hearted, Playful, strong, Very Skilled, cool, intelligent, fearless, brave, bad-ass. He know's how to use any weapons. Government Agent.

Angel: Female, Age: 25, Sweet, kind hearted, Very Skilled, cool, strong, caring, fearless, brave. She knows how to use all weapons. Government Agent.

Candy/ Snow-bunny: Female, Age: 10, Sweet, shy, caring, rude, funny, She knows how to use blunt weapons. Middle School girl.

Tuan: Male, Age: 16, Crazy, intelligent, Skilled, nasty, caring, cool, rude, gold-digger, funny. He knows how to use close range weapons. High School boy.

Kevin: Male, Age: 16, Funny, crazy, Skilled, Intelligent, caring, cool, nasty. He knows how to use close range weapons. High School boy.

Deonte/ Bubbles: Male, Age: 16, Funny, cool, Skilled, bad-ass, nice, crazy, smart, bad mouth. He knows how to use close range weapons. High School boy.

Paulina/ Paul walker: Female, Age: 16, Funny, Very Skilled, intelligent, bad-ass, brave, focused, crazy, cool, nice. She knows how to use close range weapons. High School girl.

Amari/ Mari: Female, Age: 15, Crazy, love-sick, jealous, nice, addicted to Zaire. She knows how to use blunt weapons. High School girl.

Zaire/ Night-wing: Male, Age: 15, Crazy, funny, nice, a liar. He knows how to use blunt weapons. High School boy.

Jaylin/ Burnt marshmallow: Male, Age: 15, Stupid, mean, crazy. He knows how to use blunt weapons. High School boy.

Corey/ Berry: Male, Age: 19, Funny, crazy, Very Skilled, bad-ass, shy, cool, smart, serious. He knows how to use any weapons. College student.

Tamika/ Mika: Female, Age: 18, Funny, crazy, Very Skilled, bad-ass, stupid, smart, cool, caring, quiet, weird, clumsy, brave. She knows how to use any weapons. College Student.

Quadarius/ Q: Male, Age: 15, Nice, nasty, cool, caring, over-protective, jealous, crazy. He knows how to use close range weapons. High School boy.

Nichole/ Aika: Female, Age: 15, Nice, Very Skilled, Playful, Nasty, Crazy, Funny, Caring, Bad-Ass, Smart, Loud, Mean, Brave, Stupid. She knows how to use close range weapons. High School girl.

Marisa/ Clementine/ Kuri: Female, Age: 16, Nice, Playful, Clumsy, Very Skilled, Emotional, brave, Bad Ass, Crazy, Caring, Smart, Funny, Mean, Nasty, Shy, childish. She knows how to use any weapon. High School girl.

Levi/ Shorty: Male, Age: 17, Mean, Rude, Over Protective, Very Skilled, Jealous, Strong, Smart Ass, Bad ass, Nice, Cool, Intelligent, Bad Mouth, Fearless, Brave, and Caring. Knows how to use all weapons. High School boy.

Travis: Male, Age: 16, Nice, Jealous, Funny, Skilled, Nasty, Crazy, Over Protective, Sweet. He know's how to use some weapons. High School boy.

Kenny: Male, Age:16, Nice, Jealous, Nasty, Bad Ass, Over Protective, Sweet. He know's how to use close range weapons. High School boy.

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