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"New girl, Sydney" I whispered to Chuck my breath fanning over his face. I turned away smirking. Chuck was my first. For everything. And anything. Rightfully that meant Chuck Bass was mine and no one else's but we did have the rare occasion that someone butted in. Like Blair for instance, I turned looking at her smiling. Blair wanted Chuck so I sabotaged the relationship and slept with Chuck. Blair doesn't know it was me I made Chuck swear to secrecy or I'd let his secrets accidentally slip and wind up in gossip girl for everyone to see. Chuck obliged. My heels clicked against the hard floors of the school. I ran my fingers through my hair fluffing it once more for volume. I smiled at Blair who gave me a quick smile back "What's wrong Blairy?" I asked hooking my arm with hers walking to our first class "Do you think Chuck will mess with new girl?" I scoffed "You really think Chuck would mess with a girl named after a Australian city?!" The thought made me laugh. The only one good enough for Chuck was me after all. Who else would he want or even need. When we walked into our class Nate smile at me from his seat one row back from the first row point at the seat next to him. I kissed Blairs cheek leaving a red stain on her cheek walking over to Nate reapplying my lipstick. "Nate!" I smiled at him "How did winter break in the Bahamas treat you darling?" I asked smiling at him Blair sat next to a girl I barely cared about as I talked to Nate "Pretty well, Chuck-" Nate stopped "Nathan don't hold anything back me and Chuck are done. Old news like last fall season" I said Nate laughs running his fingers through his hair "Chuck hooked up with so many girls I had to get a new hotel room" he finished. I pursed my lips clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth. Nate sighed "See I knew you'd get like this K" I shook my head opening my note book to take notes "I'm really over him Nate it just hurts. We left things on bad terms now we only team up when there's hell to be made. I wish he still cared like he used to" Nate is one of my very close friends. He had always been there through everything. The tears the laughs. Always shared with Nate.

After school I walked out linked with Nate instead of Blair she walked behind us talking to Serena and Dan. I spotted Chuck and Sarah in the courtyard talking to one another each involved in the conversation. I put my best smile on "Chuck!!" I waved which causes Nate to squeeze my arm closer to his as we walked over. "Kendyl" Chuck smiled his signature Chuck Bass smile at me "I was just invited Sydney as my plus one to your fathers pre-met gala party" I was taken aback "You were?" Sydney and I said at the same time. "Of course I figured since you'd be attending anyways there's no need to ask you, I'll ask her" I was offended "We always attend any social gathering together" Chuck shook his head "We used to." His words were blunt but they cut. "Oh" was all I could manage to say at the time the air was thick and I felt like I would pass out at anytime "Kendyl?" Nate shook me slightly checking to see if I'd respond "Let's go." I mustered my eyes zombie-fyd. "Hum uh okay" Nate panicked starting to walk dragging my along while Blair fanned me. I heard Sydney laugh at me making me cringe I just got laughed at. "I'll pick you up around 7" I heard Chuck tell her considering he yelled it making sure I heard.

"Blair she doesn't even have a dress!!" I exclaimed sitting on my queen sized bed eating frozen yogurt as Blair went through to closet helping me find a dress for the occasion. "Maybe Serena will let her wear one of hers. Considering she's Dans friend" Blair shrugged as I shoved a spoon full of fro-yo in my mouth. "Ridiculous" I said frustrated at the overall fact that a middle class person would be there. "Dans gonna come too he's Serena's plus one" Blair said almost reading my mind "Dans different." Blair turned looking at me raising her eyebrows "No he is not" I huffed falling back on the bed in the sea full of pillows. "Don't let it get to you" Blair said as she took my fro-yo she walked out of the room turning the light off "Night K"


"I can't believe I got invited to this petty party" I exclaimed to Dan sitting on his bed in his apartment. "Shh" he shushed me. His sister and dad were already asleep but Dan stayed up writing. I looked down at the black dress Serena was letting me borrow "Should I go?" Dan looked at me raising his eyebrows "Yes." With that he turned back around "But it's with Chuck Basketcase" I laughed at the nickname "Did you tell him you call him that?" I shook my head "Hell no. I'm not telling any of these people my true feelings" plus Serena's already growing on my good side "Suit yourself" Dan said looking back at me he sighed "Doesn't your dad wonder where you are?" I shook my head 'no' " I tell him I'm here visiting Jenny" Dan shook his head laughing well lights out I'm exhausted" my eyes narrowed at him getting up taking the dress with me "Night Daniel" I said turning the light off behind me walking out of the apartment only to
Go down the stairs to my apartment. Pre-met gala party. huh.

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