"I uh have to go, I'll see you around"  

"Okay, bye" He smiles, turning around to a waiting Ella, and I frown as she winks at me. I walk with Mark to the third floor, and I take a seat on the floor, leaning against the wall, my head on Mark's shoulder. 

"You're welcome" Mark laughs.

"For what? Nothing? Ella obviously 'claims' him" I roll my eyes.

"Well he obviously 'claims' you" Mark chuckles.

"Yeah no thanks, I'd rather stay single for a little" 

"But that doesn't mean you can't fuck with him" He shrugs.

"I don't want a friend with benefits, I'm slightly classier" I roll my eyes "I hate how my first real relationship, ended so badly" I frown "I thought he was the one you know?"

"Yeah, I think everyone did" He says "Did he ever explain why he did what he did?"

"I never let him, and to be completely honest I probably would've forgiven him, if it was someone, anyone other than Ella. It being her, made my life so much worse and I had no idea what to do" 

"She's a hoe, like I don't get why she has friends" Mark shrugs.

"I don't get why we were ever her friends"

"Oh! Seniors! Can you please help me out today?" One of our guidance counselors Ms.Roberts asks "I need you to show our new ninth graders around" She says and Mark and I look at each other before groaning "You get out of class" She smirks.

"When do we start?" Mark stands up.

"Now, follow me" She urges and we follow her down to her office. Mark texts Oliver telling him we're helping out the guidance counselor and he meets us at her office.

"You each get three" She walks out with 9 children.

"I'll take these three" I take the 3 closest to me.

"I'll take these ones" 

"I guess you three are mine" Mark smirks.

"Don't make it weird" I chuckle "So, I'm Brogan, that's Oliver and that's Mark, we'll be showing you around today. But before we start" I grin "Welcome to hell mother fuckers" I laugh, Mark laughing with me.

"Brogan!" Oli scolds "You can't cuss in front of them"

"Oh please, as if they haven't said it before" I roll my eyes "Now come along" 

"Brogan, your phone is lighting up" Mark points to my back pocket and I pull out my phone, seeing Carter's name pop up on my screen. I show it to Mark and his eyes widen "I'll take them, you get it now" He demands, and I gulp but nod. He takes my group and his down to the tech wing, and I walk into the bathroom.

I take a deep breath, and hit the answer button "Hello?" I say hesitantly.

"Brogan?" He says weakly, and I can feel my heart crack.

"Yeah, it's me" I sigh, running my hand through my hair wondering why I answered the phone.

"How are you?" 

"I'm fine. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm okay I guess" 

"I want to say that's good, but I know you're lying" I bite my lip.

"Yeah, but if I told the truth, I know you wouldn't have wanted to hear it" 

"I don't know what to say..." I trail off "I'm sorry, but I really don't" 

"I didn't expect you to have a whole script plann-"

"Why her?" I cut him off "Just that's the one thing I want to know" 

"I don't know" 

"Carter please, it's been eating me alive, I could have forgiven you if it was anyone else, but her, I just don't get it"

"I don't like you calling me that" He says.

"Stay on the topic" I grit, and he sighs.

"I don't know Brogan, like I was drunk and she came over and I couldn't help myself something just came over me and I'm not proud" 

"You shouldn't be" I huff "Listen, I have to go. I have school right now and I have stuff to do" 

"Can we talk later?" He asks.

"I don't know Carter, I'll think about it" I sigh "Now I have to go"

"Okay, I lov- Bye" He sighs, and I hang up the phone putting it back into the pocket of my shorts. I jog around the core of the school, finding Mark in one of the art rooms.

"What'd he want?" 

"I honestly don't know" I shrug "We didn't talk much, but he wants to talk later" 

"Are you going to talk to him?"

"Probably not" I shake my head "He said he slept with Ella because he was drunk and she came over" 

"Do you not believe it?" He asks as we move through the halls.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that him being drunk doesn't mean anything" I shrug.

"Hey!" Cameron waves, walking over to me.

"Hi, what are doing?" I ask him.

"Bathroom" He hold up his bathroom pass "What are you guys doing?"

"Showing them around because our school will treat them like kindergartners" I chuckle.

"Damn, I wish I got this much treatment"

"Oh trust me, you'd get even better one on one treatment with Brogan over here" Mark winks, nudging my arm.

"Ignore him please" I blush and he laughs.

"Is that going to be a trending topic? Ignore him?"

"Yes, exactly" I nod "You're catching on already" 

"Come on Brogan, we need to get them back in 5 minutes and we've showed them two places"

"I'll see you later" I smile and he nods, walking to the bathrooms.

"Okay, so basically all you need to know is that each class is in a wing, math wing, tech wing, science wing and so on, the school is not hard to navigate, the wings are numbered in order and that's the first number in each room number, so if you find your wing, you know your room number, have a great day. We need to go" I grab Mark's wrist dragging him to our homeroom.

"Brogan, Marcus" Mr. Tate nods "Glad to see you two again"

"Mr. Tate!" I fake enthusiasm "I'm so happy to have you again!" 

"Please, just take a seat" He huffs, and Mark and I walk to the back row of three. I look at the binder on the desk that's next to me, and when I see Cameron's name on the binder my stomach erupts in butterflies.

"Cameron sits there" I lean over to tell Mark and he winks.

"Get it girl"



I love you


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