Chapter 13

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A car splutters to the side of the road, a man flinging himself out onto the sidewalk in a heap. Rose rushes over to help him. She gently lifts him to his feet whilst I sit here- being selfish as usual. I am a terrible human being.

"James?" She whispers into the cold air, her face expectant.

The hooded man raises his head, tilting it to the side. It takes a few seconds for him to adjust so he can see her properly. He squeals -rather unfitting compared to his dark, mysterious looks- and flings his arms wide around Rose. She giggles and hugs him back with a huge grin on her face. "Hey James! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you, silly. Mom said you'd be here..." He breaks away and pulls away his hood. He catches sight of me. "Hey, who's the creep staring at me?" I advert my eyes but it's too late- Rose ushers me forward.

"James, this is Erin- her friend is in hospital in a coma. Erin, this is James- my best friend's boyfriend. He also happens to be my brother, coincidentally."

He scoffs. "You love me really though, especially when I kiss your best frien-"

"LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALA!" Rose stuffs her fingers in her ears whilst James tries to pull them away. Typical sibling behaviour. I laugh at the two of them. Me and Jordan were the same... before- before I put him in a hospital. I forgot. And to think I felt guilt-free for a few seconds, that I could laugh without feeling like the horrid person I am. I do not deserve joy when he is stuck up there because of me.

James' grin falls and he stops fighting. He's realised something. "Wait, why are you here?" He grips onto his sister's arm and pulls her towards him. "Please tell me you aren't dying!"

It's surprising how fast someone can go from playful to scared in a matter of seconds.

She looks to the ground and timidly pushes him off. "No, I'm fine... it's j-just your girlfriend who isn't."

James' face pales. "What's... what happened to her, Rose?"

She gulps. "Chemotherapy. You've missed a lot since you left for college. Ciara has cancer."

Author's note: IDK what I'm doing. I just hope to Jesus that I have not just jinxed myself, for the love of God.

Been Waiting For The Day...: An AureySparklez Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora