Chapter 12

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I wake up with my head pressed against cold metal, my back bent painfully. Why is it so cold? Bewildered, I stretch up and glance around. Tall concrete walls tower me from three sides, a half empty car park on the other. It suddenly hits me where I am, the hospital. They chucked me out after I- JORDAN! Oh god, Jordan. I am a terrible person for forgetting that I put him in a coma... I deserve to be sitting out here in the bitter, early-spring weather.

As I sink my face into my palms, footsteps sound closer. I continue to stare down at the ground until I feel someone's weight relax beside me. Their breath is heavy, perhaps from running? I steal a glance to see a hood with a few strands of dark blonde hair poking out. I'm guessing it's a girl from the feminine hands brushing away her fringe.

The silence smothers me obnoxiously- I usually don't mind moments like this because me and Jordan will just pull faces at one another. But without him, I realise how dependant I am on him for everything. Almost all the scenarios I can imagine in my head involve him... walking to class, studying, driving in Aud- No. I will never drive in that stupid van again; it will be going straight to the dump as soon as possible. As soon as I get back to it, that is.

Only our breath circles through the air around us, intertwining within one another. She finally makes the first step, shattering the quiet barrier I had surrounded myself with.

"My best friend is inside, she's here for chemotherapy." I notice how she massages the base of her left pinkie with the index finger and thumb of the left hand, small circles going around and around. Her voice is sharp and forced as if she's holding back the flood gates on what she says. But she was so upfront with the condition of her friend, no hiding from cancer when you have to have chemotherapy. Her eyes lift up from the ground and catch my own. Big blue irises blink back at me, blinking away tears.

"My best friend is inside too. He's in a coma." I surprise myself by continuing to confess to this random stranger, about the drive, the singing and the crash. She listens perfectly- constant eye contact, nodding along and adding the odd comment where necessary. It feels like I'm best friends with her even though we only just me- hey. Jordan may not be able to move right now but his heart is still pumping therefore he is alive. I shouldn't be finding possible replacements for him literally less than 24 hours since the accident. I disgust myself.

My speech cuts short- my hatred for my own selfish ways leaving me unwilling to talk. The girl opens her mouth but thinks twice, head hung towards the ground again. I trace Jordan's name with my toe, looping the letters like he always hated me doing. It's all the little things that I never appreciated, they're what I miss the most. He always used to tell me off for clicking the bones in my fingers, complaining that the sound sent shivers down his back. How I beg for him to scold me once again.

"I never quite caught your name."

I nibble my bottom lip, teasing the peeling skin between my teeth. "Erin, Erin Atkinson. What about you?"

"Rosetta, Rosetta Queen. But call me Rose for short."

Been Waiting For The Day...: An AureySparklez Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now