Chapter 10:The Chunin Exams(part 1)

Start from the beginning

Ryuki: I thought y-...Forget it let's go (grabs Ino's hand and begins to walk)

*While walking towards the exam building, The three run into choji and shikamaru*

Ryuki: Hi there fellow squad members!(salutes)

Shikamaru: Hey, how's it going?

Choji: Hi guys how are ya?

Rin: We're fine, totally fine!(smiles)

Shikamaru: I thought you were pissed about having to do these exams?

Rin: Well I changed my mind, I actually wanna do it and become a chunnin.

Ryuki: The sudden change of heart, again(sighs)

Ino: Come on guys I don't wanna be late cause if I am, your all treating me to some mitarashi dango.

Choji: I hate buying food for other people so how about we go huh?

Shikamaru: I was already going (starts to move)

Rin: She meant you guys not me (follows shikamaru and choji)

Ryuki: Okay then let's go.

*Entering the building they see Asuma*

Ryuki: Hey there Asuma-sensei!

Asuma: Hey guys, see your all finally here and not scared.

Rin: More like the total opposite Sensei.

Shikamaru: I think this is a drag in my opinion but the whole team had to go and if I didn't well I was gonna never hear the end of it.

Ino: Your damn right shikamaru!

Shikamaru: Really, screaming in my ear. (covers his ears)

Ryuki: I'm ready for this. We're all ready for this Asuma-sensei.

Asuma: That's the spirit, just what I wanna hear from my team. Well just go through those doors and start okay? Are you guys ready?

team 10: Yeah!!

Asuma: (smirks and chuckles as he lights his cigarette) Then what are you kids waiting for?

Ryuki: (slightly tighten his grip on Ino's hand) Let's go guys.

*Opening the door they see a class full of kids and some that even looked like adults and killers at it from different villages*

Ryuki: Whoa there's so many people here (Looks around the room surprised) Hey Rin don't look scared or intimidated.

Rin: I know it'll show weakness. Weaklings. 

Shikamaru: Well, their here (points at team 7,8) and gai's team (looks at the corner of the room)

Kiba: The rookie 11 all participating huh (smirks) this'll be interesting huh akamaru!

Hinata: Hi. You guys made it.

Ryuki: I wasn't missing this for nothing.

Ino: Ew. Your here too huh? (Turns away from sakura)

Sakura: You little-  Ino-pig... (boils fist)

Ino: What you call me forehead-queen (clashes heads with sakura)

Naruto: Rin you made it (smiles brightly)

Rin: Of course I was coming here. I had to cause I wanna become Chunnin. (Smiles back with equal enthusiasm) but these guys are just weird and creepy (looks at the other ninjas around the room)

Naruto: Who these guys in here? Don't be intimidated by them.

Rin: I won't. That's takes too much energy.

Naruto: (Walks past Rin then screams) My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to defeat every one of you, believe it!

*When Naruto says that the whole room turns to him, leaving the room in scary silence*

Kiba: Can you say that again we couldn't here ya (chuckles)

Ryuki: (thinks to himself: Naruto.)

Sakura: You idiot come here now before they try to kill us.

Sasuke: What an idiot. (glares at Ryuki then turns around)

Ryuki: That little, Of course he'd be here too.

??: I'd think it be best if you quieted down a bit.

*The rookie eleven all turn to a boy wearing glasses and with light grey hair*

Kabuto: Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Kabuto Yakushi.

I'm so srry for the late update I was so busy I rarely had any time but I hope you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter plz vote, comment and if you have any questions about the story message me okay!? So until next time!!~~

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