Twenty-Three -- End.

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(What I'm listening to: New Americana -- Halsey)



Apparently Suzy had realized her mistakes after Lucas went out the same way as Riley, and had gone to the cemetery to apologize to the gravestone. And having nothing better, she decided to give back the bracelet.

Of course, the bracelet ended up in my possession (I was worried about it being stolen), and I never take it off. It's one of the few pieces of Riley I have that I can take everywhere with me.

Auggie is seeming happier lately, and it's a relief -- losing someone to suicide (and knowing it was going to happen) is a lot for a seven-year old. 

I myself am feeling better everyday. Although I'll never forget about Riley, or forgive Suzy Baker, or really even know how all of the shit that went down got started, I'm feeling better.

"Riley, I love you." I'd said it so many times while she was alive, whether it was platonic or romantic, and I've probably said it just as many times after her death. "I still don't understand why this had to happen to you, but... Who knows, maybe you really are an angel."

I like to imagine Riley as an angel, floating around happily in heaven, with wings and a halo and all that jazz.

I spend more time at the cemetery than I spend at home, whether it's sunny and warm or below freezing and snowing. As for today, it's below freezing and although it isn't currently snowing, there's an abundance of it on the ground.

When I arrived, I'd carefully brushed the snow from atop the gravestone with my gloved hand, as I'd promised Topanga that as long as I were down here all the time, I'd take care of the area (whether it needed care or not).

Clearing enough space so that I can sit down in the half-dead grass rather than the snow, I read what the gravestone says for the millionth time. "Riley Matthews. Young and innocent, she didn't deserve her tragic fate."


Okay, so, as you could probably tell by the chapter title, this is the end of the book. If you'd like, I can always start another Rilaya fic!

If you want me to write a new fic, ideas are greatly appreciated as well!~

When the first chapter is published, I'll post an A/N on this story so you know.

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