I decided to leave Jamie alone for a couple hours, give him his own time to sort through everything in his head, and of course, all the details with his management. My heart squeezed uncomfortably at the thought. It was only becoming more and more real that Jamie was leaving, and soon. Today was Saturday, Jamie left on Monday. I started working with the head nurse on Monday, too. It all seemed so stupidly fitting, like this had been all planned out, like fate was laughing at us. I shook my head, giving up on trying to finish up all the paperwork for the new job, an hour was a solid effort, right? I didn't really care, I just wanted to see Jamie. That wouldn't even be an option for me anymore, soon.

May as well savour it while it lasts.

Jamie seemed to share this mentality with me, too. As when he let me in to his flat I could see he'd changed into some fresh clothes and tidied up his flat, but not only that, he'd already started taking down some of his posters he had up around the flat, which hurt.

But still, he smiled as we sat on the couch, taking my hand. "I was thinking we could go to Gino's, y'know, like the good old times," he laughed a little, but then glanced down. "Because..well.."

"We don't have a lot of time left together," I finished for him.

He just nodded.

We planned to go later in the day, as Jamie needed to run some errands and I had to do some food shopping, so at 3pm we arranged to meet inside the café. I walked briskly along the street to Gino's, feeling a slight hint of chill in the air. Summer was almost over, and Autumn was starting to set in.

Just another thing coming to an end.

But my darker mood changed as I finally reached Gino's and stepped inside, spotting Jamie sitting over by the window seat, the same seat we'd sat in the first time we'd come here together. He smiled over at me, giving me a small wave as I sat down across from him.

"I've already ordered," he said as I sat down.

I nodded. Of course he had, he knew me too well. I glanced out the window. "I was just thinking about the first time we came here."

Jamie laughed. "2am, just after we had acquainted while I was in my undies."

I laughed a little too. "What were you thinking?"

"Oh, you know, I was desperate for coffee, you looked cute..." he trailed off, tilting his head.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "And of course, your next move was to ask me to take you to the beach."

"Yeah, and then you said yes and half drowned me in the water."

I grinned, remembering our wrestling match in the waves. "I did not!"

"Did too!"

I pursed my lips. "I made up for it with sushi."

Jamie nodded. "Good point - and we had a damn good picnic that day, too."

"That's just because you made it."

"Actually, I was going to say because it was spent with you."

I quirked a brow. Jamie could be cheesy, but not that cheesy. "Uh huh."

Jamie attempted to keep a serious face for a second, but failed. "Okay, maybe it was the stellar chicken sandwich."

We both laughed as a waitress placed our drinks on the table. We lapsed into silence as we both took sips at our drinks. My gaze wandered to outside the window, where the sky was gradually becoming more grey-blue. I think about the fact that there are so many different shades of blue, and how the shade Jamie's eyes are so unique - my favourite, for sure. I think about how I may never see a shade like that again.

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now