Kiss Bank

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Tbh autosave makes me nervous.

And this whole changing the writing tool AGAIN needs to stop ahhhhhh

(I like it a lot better now, however. It matches tumblr :D )



There's a grunt, and then a throaty voice. "What?"

I click Jamie's bedroom door open. Inside pale morning sunlight streams into Jamie's room, highlighting a curled up figure under a cover "Your dearest mother wants you to, and I quote, 'get the hell up,' what say you?"

The bundle of doona rolls over, exposing a messy mop of blonde hair and a pair of sleepy blue eyes. "I say absolutely not, and she didn't say that."

I lean on the door frame, crossing my arms. "What if I say I want you to get the hell up?"

Jamie pulls the doona to his neck to reveal his whole face. "I'll do it for a kiss."

I chuckle. "A kiss?"


"What about your stinky morning breath?"

"Have you brushed your teeth?"

I haven't, meaning I probably have morning breath too.


I walk over and kneel to Jamie's eye level, and peck him on the nose. "Get up."

Jamie's brows furrow. "I feel a bit ripped off, to be honest."

"Well, if you get your lazy butt up, eat breakfast and brush your teeth, you can have a proper kiss."

With that, Jamie sits up and shoves the blankets off him, "Let's go!"

He takes my arm and drags me out of the room, down the stairs to the kitchen, where Anne has cooked up a delicious pile of pancakes, which she was transferring to the table.

"Ahh, the slumbering giant arises," comments a sleepy looking Sam, who then turns to me, "How did you do it?"

"Bribery," I say, glancing at a smirking Jamie.

"Pancakes, or crumpets?" Asks Anne, turning to me.

"Uhh...crumpets please."

"A British classic" comments Jamie, "Perhaps you should move here."

I glance at Jamie from across the table. "You realise Australia was founded by the brits, right?"

That shut him up.

An hour later I was re-organising my suitcase in "my" room after helping Anne clean up breakfast, when a fresh-faced Jamie poked his head into the room and upon seeing me, walked over and sat down next to me on the floor.

He clears his throat. "So, I have changed and brushed my hair, and cleaned my teeth, sooo..."

I decide to play dumb. "So what?"

Slowly, Jamie leans his head into my neck, his hair tickling my skin. "Soooo.... can I get..."

I mimic Jamie by resting my head on top of his, "Get what?"

I can feel Jamie grinning against my neck. "Kiss?"

"Kiss is an American rock band, and I feel they'd be rather hard to acquire..."

"No, can a get a kiss?"

"From who?"

Jamie exhales in frustration. "From Hitler!" he cries, pushing my over onto the ground.

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now