Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After school, Grey met up with Robin. Grey opened the car for her as Robin got in. Hadden saw from afar as he sneakily was stalking her the whole day. How does she not know? he thought. He was bewildered by the fact that Robin wasn't in the least concerned with him.

"Do you like her or something." Hadden's thoughts were interrupted by Kris.


"I see the way you look at her. She's something more." She looked Hadden straight into his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Hadden angrily spouted as he was embrassed.

"Grey's my mate! I have a right to know."

By this, Hadden stopped in his tracks. "And I know she is yours." Kris added. Hadden walked up to Kris, grabbed her arm, and dragged her into the woods.

"Tell me what you know?" Hadden spat out.

"If you help me get Grey back, I'll tell you why she's not acknowlging you."

"Hahah and you think I'm foolish enough to beleive you."

"Trust me Hadden. I known you for many years. I probably the person who knows you the most. And the fact that you could actually hurt me, there is definetly something wrong."

"So what do I gain."

"Well you can actually gain the truth and if you really have skills...... conquer her to be yours?"

Kris recalled the day where he was kissing a girl name Candice. There was a brown brunete girl that she never recalled ever rembering. She could rember ever deatil as the small girl was claiming she was Hadden's mate. Though everyone laughed, Kris knew that there was somewhat truth in her eyes but could not convice herself to beleive taht. She saw the eyes that she had once seen in Grey's eyses when she first met him. When that girl was laughed at, she automatically rembered the hurt Grey had when she told him she'd leave him.

"You're riduclous Kris. Don't drag me into some bull sh, because you just want to gain something out of it." Hadden shook his head and walked away.

After thier date out on the lake on a boat, on thier way driving home, Robina and Grey were holding hands with silence. This moment of silence wasn't because they had a fight. It was jsut a moment where silence was the best. Finnaly the silence was broke by Robin.

"Do you miss you're mate Grey?" she asked.



"Maybe because I realize we weren't made for each other and there is someone out there who is better for me." He took his eyes off the road for a second and glanced in Robin's direction. He gave her a smile. HE then looked back. "You know I love you right?"

"I don't need to be reassured" she spoke.

"You know, I'm just really scared that one day you'll leave me."

"Why would you even say taht?" Robin asked a bit shocked.

"When I saw you and Alpha Hadden, I just thought that maybe she would be happier with him."

Robin looked at Grey's face. Grey looked back and was surprised to see a tear slip out of her eye. "What's wrong" Robin took her hand and wiped the tear away.

"You know, getting over him was the hardest thing to do. I'd hate him so much. But that just made me think of him more enfourcing my feelings for him. I think of him. And then I'd fall for him more. Hate was just an excuse to say that I loved him. It was so hard. After we decided to play the game of fake dating, I just slowly forgot about him and I started thinking about you ever part of the day. Just thinking of you made me smile. Before I knew it, I wouldn't even look at Hadden. I didn't care anymore. The first thing I ever thought about were you. And when I gave you myself, I wanted you to know and show you that I love you." she choked out.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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