Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Robin was laying down on the ground. The running sound of the water sooth heard as she was enjoying nature's caress. The humming of the birds reminded her she was still alive. As she layed down on the leave shewd floor, her eyes slowly started to fall as sleep was making it's way to her. Yes she loved the peace as it was always warming a welcoming. Soon after she closed her eyes dreaming of a blurred man's face.

She saw him in the forest alone. Afraid to approach him, alert that he was something stray, she cautiously creeped towards him. She heard a faint sobbing come from deep within him. For some reason it just really pulled at her heart.

Robin awoke as a cold breeze passed through. She sat up, and looked down at her watch.

"I need to go" she mumbled. She got up and stripeed herself of her clothing. She folded it neatly and packed it into her backpack. She then stood up and stretched. Her bones then started transforming as you heard the cracking of bones reshaping themselves.

Robin stood in her black wolf form that had a tint of blue. She walked towards the river and dipped her head down. The water reflected back as she saw her own light blue eyes that resembled her late mother's. It saddend her as she thought of her mother. She didn't many memories of her father as he died when she was 7. Robin lived with her grandma.

After taking a drink she turned around and ran towards the school where she would start class in 2 hours. It was 10 in the moring. She was already 17 and would be ending school next year when she was 18 official making her one of the pack warriors. Though she wasn't the best, she was decent. She wasn't really one who stood out. She was more like invisible.

Before she left the forest she shifted back into human form and changed back into her clothes. There she walked to the school. When she arrived, she sat down on the bench watching as minutes passed by. More people tumbled in. Here it was evident to see all cliches. The popular, the losers, the weak, the bullied, the bullies. It how you would call it, the typical high school.

There was always that one guy who could attract everyoen's attention. In walked the Alpha's son, Hadden. It was the typical player. He had many she wolves clinging onto his arms, his handsome friends who all had there girls. Of course he was the most famous. It was undeniable that they were handsome. Very handsome. Even Robin couldn't deny that. It was shameless to say but she had a small crush on Hadden who was the handsomest of them all.

But today, it wasn't his good looks that attracted her. As her feet started walking towards him. Dazed and seeing only him, her feet carried her towards him. His smell was alluring and delicious. Just what she loved. It was so strong and good that Robin couldn't help herself. She knew what this meant. Her mate. As she made her way towards Hadden, Hadden didn't even look up as he was kissing another girl. This made Robin's heart hurt. She stopped right in front of him. Though she was scared, hurt, and afraid of her mate, she didn't want to back down, no not at this moment. Bravely she stared him in the eye. Hadden stopped kissing the girl as he felt Robin's eyes on him. He turned towards her and stared into her light blue eyes. What a crazy girl he thought. Problay just trying to get my attention. He turned away from her and started kissing the girl again. You could hear the whispers and feel the stares around them.

Robin cleared her throat to gain his attention again. He turned towars her again.

"What do you want skank?'

Immediately Robin felt her heart squueze. It hurt.

"You're my......."

"What, do you like me or something cause I don't. You aren't pretty enough. "

Again her heart squeezed. She had to say it.

"You're my-" she was interruppted by the girl who was kissing Hadden. She realized this girl as Kimely.

"Get your own guy bit*"

"You are my mate!" Robin forced out.

There was a long moment of silence. Suddenly that moment was broke by Hadden's laugh.

"I'm your what! Say that again. " he said in a mocking tone.

Immediately Robin felt the burn in her eyse.

"My mate.... you are my mate." she looked down at the ground in embrassement.

Suddenly she was grabbed the shirt and was forced to look Hadden in the eye.

"Look here girly. A girl like you is pitiful. Lying that I'm your mate wont make me even care a bit for you. You are not worthy to be my mate. Ha in fact you are not worhty at all for your mate seeing as how you are so desperate. Run away before I kill you. " He thretend.

Robin looked him in the eyes as a tear fell from her right eye.

Hadden let her go as she ran away and people were laughing and cheering.

"Oh baby that was good. " Kimely cooed as she kissed Hadden.

Little did he know that the girl he had stuck a knife into was the one who would do that for him.

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