Chapter 1

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"Everyone, this is Sean Mcloughlin. He's a transfer student from Ireland." Mr.Jackerson said as Sean walked through the door and took a quick glance at all the other students around the classroom. Sean nervously played with the sleeve of his backpack waiting for Mr.Jackerson to tell him where to sit. "Jack.. Just call me Jack." he spoke out. "ok.. Jack.. well you can sit next to Mark in the back row. Mark, raise your hand."

Jack POV

I played with my backpack sleeve nervously. I was usually really loud and energetic but I didn't know anyone and I was scared of what they would think of me. I stared at the floor and listened to my new math teacher, Mr.Jackerson "ok.. Jack.. well you can sit next to Mark in the back row. Mark, raise your hand."

I looked up, scanning the room for this man called Mark. A hand slowly raised above the crowd in the corner of the back row. A muscular man with fluffy dark hair and perfectly toned skin sat leaning over a book without bothering to look up at me once. I sat down quickly, glancing over at the man next to me. He looked up at me, a smirk slowly growing on his face. woah.. those beautiful chocolaty eyes, bright white smile and strong jaw bone caught me completely off guard. "uh hum.. you ok there?.." "Wha?.. oh uh y-yeah just.. fine.." I immediately looked away and pretended to be interested in what the teacher was teaching. I could feel a light blush creeping onto my face. Was I staring? oh goddammit, Jack! You were staring right at his f**king lips..

Math took forever to go by and I still had a few classes before lunch. Mark was surprisingly in most of my classes but we didn't speak to each other. I caught him looking at me a few time and every time I did, he still wouldn't look away. he'd look me in the eyes with a smirk on his face until I looked away, not wanting him to notice the light pink color coming to my cheeks.

I pulled my lunch box out of my locker and rushed down the long halls so I wouldn't get caught in the crowds. Walking through the cafeteria doors, I noticed I was one of the first people there. I walked over to a table in the corner, not wanting to both anyone with my presence. In just a few minutes, the room was packed with screaming kids trying to fit all their friends at one table. I propped myself up on my elbow and laid the side of my head in the palm of my hand.

A tall man wearing a red shirt and jeans made his way over to my table with a tray of food in his hands and a smile on his face. "Hey!" he sat down across from me. "Oh uh.. Wade." he spoke, sticking out his hand. I shook it cautiously, not trusting him very much. "Jack" I said without changing my expression. "You ok, bro?" "Yeah, just a rough first day.." I mumbled quietly and stabbed my orange with a plastic fork. "OH COOL! You're new here? Hey, I have an idea, do you mind if my friends sit with us?" "uhh ok.. sure"

Well this is it for today. Wow, writing is not as easy as it look xD I have the next chapter finished but I'll wait until I upload it. Please tell me if I made any spelling mistakes and comment some new story ideas. Remember to comment, vote, and all that other stuff (idk I just got an account today) well thanks for reading, tell me if you want more! XOXO

                                                                                                                                        - Jinx

(p.s. I'm going to be on Christmas break for 2 weeks soon so get ready for a couple more uploads (hopefully) !!!)

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