The Boggart

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Harry's POV

Professor Lupin stood next to a closet. A rather large closet. It was oak and rather nicely carved. However the defining feature of this particular closet was that it was shaking. Rather like the closet in third year. Due to this train of thought harry was not really surprised to hear that they where recapping boggarts. What did frustrate harry was that they had to do it with all the other 8th years including the sytherins. Harry shuddered at the thought before glaring over at the sytherins. Draco Malfoy in particular.

Dracos POV

I attempted to keep his calm demeanor in place and judging from the fact I was being either  ignored or glared at by everyone I guess I must have. Inside however I was a mess of emotions. The one that surfaced was worry. I had no idea what the Boggart would turn into and no desire to find out. Just my luck however because lupin declared he had 2 so none of the students would miss out. Lupin started over the other side of the room so I had time to try figure out what my fear might be.  I noticed that he skipped potter. Probably didn't want to see any of pottys worst nightmares. I did notice that weasles fear was spiders. Shall have to remember that. After what seemed like 30 sec lupin was calling me up. I tried to look casual but all hope soon fled as I saw what the Boggart had turned into. Har-Potter was lying dead on the floor. I raced out of the room a blush warming my cheeks.

Harry's POV

I stared in shock at the boggart still holding the shape of Malfoys deepest fear. Me. Dead. My vision started to swim slightly as I jumped up and started to head for the door. A collective gasp made me turn around. The Boggart had taken the shape of my worst fear. Not Voldemort. Not Dementors. Instead of me lying on the ground dead it was Malfoy. I left the room taking care to run in  the opposite direction to him

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