Free! Haru x Pool VS. 50% Off Haru x Pool

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Free! Version Haru ^.^
I loved the pool. Its soft blue waves engulfing me in its warm embrace. I loved it so much! It was my best friend, my one and only. The pool, the only one I could ever care for.
My heart can't take the madness any more... It's way too much!
I dive in ignoring Makoto's protest.
"What if you get sick!" he yelled.
Whatever he said went in one ear and out the other. I was in my happy place now. I was united with my love.

50% Off Version Haru '°^°'

We had a love hate relationship, the pool and I. I wanted to do nothing but f*dolphin noise* it all day and it decided to not want that.

The pool wasn't like the ocean. It only excepted some people each year. It was still a slut, but not that bad of one.

You can probably tell how I feel by now. The pool and I had a different relationship... A unique one.

I dove in not caring about Makoto's cries. He was annoying...

Haru 1: You are annoying Haru.

Haru 2: No you are.

Haru 1: Shut up Haru.

Haru 2: You shut up Haru.

Haru 3: We've made it into the pool!!!!!!

Haru 1 & 2: Flip yes!!!!

Haru 4: You guys are idiots.

Haru 1 & 2 & 3: SHUT UP HARU!

Haru 4: Whatever.

50% Off Haru: *Gets up from computer* I'm done typing.

Lifeam: Sure?

50% Haru: Yes... And the other Haru finished as well.

Lifeam: Good, and the other Haru beat you to the fish tank.

50% Haru: *Demon state* I shall destroy him... Destroy him. And replace.

Lifeam: Stop doing that Haru.

50% Haru: Yes.

Lifeam then moved Haru aside. She went over and press the 'Publish' button on Wattpad.

The END???????

Destroy him...

Lifeam: HARU!

50% Off Haru: Sorry...

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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