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WARNING: This is leaning a little bit on the yaoi side of things... So... uh... yeah... expect a hint of, well, yaoi or if you prefer the term, gayness!(Tried not to use "gayness" but... it was the only way I could think of to explain this to people who may not know about yaoi.) Have a nice read and day/night depending on what time you're reading! (=^.^=)/  

Lifeam: Hello everyone! I, your lovin' and carin' author, decided to add in a fully random chapter!

Rei: Isn't this book random enough?

Lifeam: NO! I need to add more randomness! MOAR! MOAR! MOAR!

Makoto: What is going on with Lifeam?

Rei: I wonder that everyday...

Lifeam: I demand that you two go and make babies with your men!

Makoto and Rei: What?!

Lifeam: Or I'll just go and do it for you! *starts to walk away*

Rei and Makoto: WHAT! *tackles Lifeam to the ground*

Lifeam: Get off of me!

Rei and Makoto: Not until you promise not to go after- Rei: Nagisa! - Makoto: Haru!

Lifeam: *begins to cry*

Rei: Huh? *Begins to panic*

Makoto: Wha-wha-wha-what's wrong, Lifeam?

Rei: We didn't hurt you, right?

Lifeam: *sniffles* No... It's just... it's just... you guys really care about them! *cries*

Rei: *blushes like something really red*

Makoto: Um... You don't need to cry because of that. And thank you?

Lifeam: *wipes away tears and gets into a winner's stance* Thanks to this little episode I have realized that your feelings deserve to be shown to the universe! And so I plan to make a book dedicated to the love and care of you guys! We shall get your feelings across to your semes!

Rei: Seme? You mean Senpai, right.

Makoto: No, she means seme.

Rei: Wouldn't that make Nagisa... top?"

Makoto: Yup.

Rei: How? And why?

Makoto: Just happens, and it would seem that our dear Lifeam-san has been in to doujinshi mangas that have Haru as top... A.K.A, short seme.

Rei: How do you know this?

Makoto: She lets me read them with her.

Lifeam: Yeah! We're manga buddies! *high fives Makoto*

Rei: *Backs away slowly as the two laugh. Slowly opens the door. Slowly walks out the door. Runs off.*

Nagisa: And that is how this great book of ours was made.

Makoto: None of that happened.

Rei: *pushes glasses up* Yes, I would have to agree with Makoto on that one.

Nagisa: It did too happen!

Rei: No. It didn't.

Lifeam: Nagisa, you must have been smoking some serious stuff when you thought of that story.

Nagisa: No, I wasn't! I'm being serious.

Haru: I don't think that happened.

Lifeam: It really didn't. The book was made after me thinking of story ideas and this book popped into my skull.

Nagisa: I guess you're right. *walks off slightly disappointed*

Lifeam: Thinks: Sorry Nagisa...

Makoto: Thinks: But... According to Rei

Rei: Thinks: The world may never know of that event.

Lifeam: Thinks: I can't believe he got the whole story! Well... Almost all of it...

Makoto: Thinks: Yeah, he missed the first part when we caught Rei-

Rei: Thinks: Shhhhhh! The world can never, ever know!

Lifeam and Makoto: Thinks: Whatever!

A/N: And that was what my totally weird brain came up for everyone to see! Yup... I feel accomplished... Now, I shall go and do the cinnamon challenge... On second thought, I think watching a whole lot of YouTubers do it is enough for me... 

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