Maria smiled then frowned slightly. "Is this normal for you? I mean coming to charities and stuff?"

"As a billionaire, yes." He shrugged slightly.

"And when you're not?" She questioned.

He frowned. "Someone trying to make Gotham a better place."

Before she could reply, she saw some gas come out of vents from the ceiling. Bruce followed her gaze. He turned to lock eyes on her. "Run."

She nodded and relchuntly left him to dodge through the crowd. But instead of leaving, she went to find Bolton.

When she did find him, he looked like he had past out while leaning against the wall. She lifted her dress slightly to grab the syringe she had tied to her leg. Maria carefully got close, making sure nobody was watching then she brought the syringe down towards his arm. But before it pierced the man's skin, he quickly grabbed her by the wrist. Making her drop the syringe, and turned her around as he twisted her arm. But her scream came out muffled as he covered her mouth with one of his large hands.

He dragged her out of the ballroom and to a small room across the hall. He then pushed her roughly to the ground as he locked the door behind her.

"Ms. Gardner... Long time no see."

She glared hatefully at Bolton as she tried to crawl backwards, but let out a yelp of pain as she put pressure on her right arm.

"Or should I say Reaper?" He smiled coldly.

She didn't answer, just brushed the hair out of her face, obscuring the ear piece in her hand as she crushed it. Jonathan would be here soon, she just had to pass the time.

Maria quickly stood up and grabbed a glass vase, lugging it at Bolton, who swore as he dodged. Ignoring the pain in her arm, she grabbed some piece of random decor and also threw it at Bolton. It hit him on the knee and he went down.

She took this chance to get by him, but before she could open the door, she was grabbed by her ankle and pulled down. Bolton grabbed both her arms from behind her and pulled her to him, where he held her in a chokehold.

She coughed weakly as her vision started to flicker. She tried to claw at his arm but was too weak. Then he suddenly lessened his grip as the door got knocked down, and there stood Jonathan wearing the mask and his usual black suit.

"Let her go Bolton." He said calmly. Not wanting to gas him and Maria at the same time.

Maria didn't expect to be released as she was again pushed to the ground that was now covered in glass from the vase. But she fought the pain as she tried to stay conscious, as new cuts appeared on her hands and arms. The blood already flowing.

Bolton had charged Jonathan and they both crashed into a nearby wall. Jonathan managed to stick a syringe in the bigger man's arm, who angrily yanked it out as he backed up. Only a small fraction of toxin had entered his body, and definitely not enough to affect him. Jonathan then tried to gas him, but Bolton grabbed his arm and yanked him from the wall. He then punched him and Jonathan fell next to her with a thud.

But he got up with a groan, his mask had slipped off in the fight. He locked his eyes on her and gave her a small smile. "Plan B is arriving shortly."

Maria just gave him a puzzled expression before the Batman came in and accidentally mistook Bolton for Jonathan, since he knocked him out cold with one punch. Then Batman looked over at the two of them.

All three of them seemed hesitant to move the first move or say the first word. Batman didn't know what had happened. Jonathan's gas canister was crushed, syringes gone. And Maria, well she just realized how much blood there was around her.

"Jonathan." She whispered.

His eyes widened at all the blood as he started to stand, but raising his hands as Batman pointed at him with a small device. "Don't move."

"I want to make a deal."

Batman narrowed his eyes. "I don't make deals with criminals."

"Arrest me and I'll come willingly as long as Maria gets medical help and is not charged as a criminal." A desperate tone entered his usual calm tone.

"No!" She exclaimed. But they ignored her.

Finally Batman relented. "I'll do the best I can."

Jonathan quickly bent down and kissed her softly, stopping her protests. "I love you." He said simply.

And before she could reply be got up and strode over to the Batman who handcuffed him to a nearby table.

She could hear sirens stop in front of the building, and then their yells as they entered the room they were in. But the Batman didn't stay. He grabbed her and jumped out of an open window nearby. Not giving her the chance to see Jonathan one more time.

Maria was now entering a dream state as blood loss started to take effect. The last thing she remembered was being taken into the hands of nurses...

Then nothing.

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