Pt. 3 ~~Shawn

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I know she hates me... she always has- you thought. Until it started. The parade went on, your eyes filling of joyful tears. Them rolling down your cold red cheeks. Shawn was singing. In. The. Macys. Parade! Soon his sing ended he stopped singing and put one of the biggest smiles on his face. He was waving to everyone, and gave you a wink.

You saw Shawn and ran to him. He pulled you in for a hug. "Ready to go grab something to eat, or something rockstar?" You asked. He let out a little chuckle. Then Alissa came over and put her arm around his waist, "Actually me and Shawn were gonna go on a romantic COUPLES date before I left to celebrate." Shawn rubbed the back of his neck. "You can join tho! Right Alissa...?" He turned to face her. "But Shawn..." She whined to him. "Actually it's cool. There's always later, I'll catch ya around. I'll probly just be at the hotel or something." You told them forcing a smile. "Okay... I'll text ya or something when I head that way. Okay?" Shawn told you, at this point... you didn't believe him. "Yeah, sounds... great..." You told him. You both went your seperate ways and you got a cab to th hotel. You sat around on your phone until you looked at the time. It read 9:45 pm
Where is Shawn??? You wondered to your self. You were tired of laying around being bored. So you can he'd into your running clothes, slipped on your green and blue Nike shoes, and we're off. You stumbled upon a Chipotle, and why not, so you went in, of course. You order you usual favorite from there and went to the park to eat. You were sitting on the bench enjoying your food, until you saw two people making out on the other side of the park. And you don't believe it... you walked over there dropping your food. "Having a nice romantic date there fellas?" Shawn turned around. "Y/N, wha--" he started getting cut off by Alissa. "Why does it matter? Huh ,y/n? We're a couple. What do you expect? Or... are you jealous?" She turned giving Shawn another smooch on his lips. "Is that true?" Shawn asked. "No, She's lying Shawn! I'm your best friend. I'm not trying to get between you two and your shit relationship! I just want the old Shawn back!" You ran off. You had mixed emotions you were so mad... but also full of rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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