We came up to our house and walked in. Paul stopped me and put my back pack down, then picked me up. He opened the door and carried me in. 

"Here you go!" He said and put me down.

We laughed together and my mom came in to see what was going on. 

"Whats going on?"

"Nothing." We stopped and brought our stuff upstairs.

"Wheres Ringo?" I asked.

"Hes in his room. Sick." Paul said.

"Oh," I nodded. 

We went out of our rooms and headed to the stairs. I smelled a sweet aroma of vegetable soup. 

"Hello. You two hungry?" My mother asked.

"Yup." we both said.

"Bring this up to Ringo, okay?" She handed me a soup bowl and i took it. 


I sat at the table trying to figure out my math when the phone rang. 

"I get it!" I said and picked up the phone.

It was some voice i didn't know.

"Mum i'll be back." I told her when i hung up.

"Who was that?"

"Oh it was JOhn." I lied.

I took my coat and walked outside. It was a cold October evening. But the smells were quite nice.

I walked to the park.

"Okay im here." I called.

Some one jumped out, which scared me.

It was Leah, she laughed.

"Sorry, now i just wanted to ask you something."

"Okay go right ahead."

"Can you help me with homework?"

"Why me?" i asked.

"Because." She whispered and came closer to me.

I back away. "Leah..." i looked into her blue-green eyes. Something in them put me in a trance. She had a nice figure. I let in we were very close to lips meeting when some one pulled me  away, making me hit my bum hard on the ground.

"Don't touch him again! Here!" Hanna shouted at her.

"Paul was the one who tried to kiss me, i just asked him to do home work, is all."

"Yeah, right!"

"Im telling the truth this time Hanna." She said sternly.

"No i didn't!" I said, i felt bad from the fall.


"He loves me and not you. He wouldn't betray me." I said.

"Of course he does. Don't think i would want a Beatle for a boyfriend she shoved Paul back on the ground and walked off.

I ran after her. "How do you know he's a Beatle?" 

"You don't think Ive seen your ipod pictures? Or your wallet!" She growled. "He's Paul McCartney, your boyfriend, now tell me, where is it?" She said and pushed me against the tree.

"Leah whats come over you?" I whispered.


"Yes something has! Your not the Leah you usually are!" I tried to get away.

Paul came up.

"Let go of her."

"Get out of here McCartney." She said and kicked his stomach.

"Leah please." I pleaded.

"Where is it?"


"You know what!" 

"No i don't!"

"She doesn't know what your talking about!" Paul shouted.

Paul tried to pry Leah's hands off me. He received a punch in the face, it was a really hard one or Paul wouldn't have been holding his head down and laying on the ground.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

A wind was picking up and it was getting colder.

"Paul get mom!" i shouted.

He got up and ran. Leah quickly push me over to the pond and pushed me in. I fetl the coldness freeze over me. I hurried out. Leah was running after Paul. I ran after them. The cold was to cold for me to bare. I had to get out of my cloths.

I turned on the corner and ran to Maria's house. I tried the door and it was unlocked, i ran in. John and Maria's dad came to see who it was. 

"Hanna!" John said and came over to me.

"I...i..." i said but i was to cold to talk and to frozen. Maria's mother came out.

"John quickly take her upstairs and get her...no, Maria you get Hanna out of those cloths and John start the bath." She ordered.

Maria took me up to her room and started to take my wet cloths off. I sat there in a blanket as she went through her cloths.

"Hanna, you'll have to barrow some of John's your to tall for me." She said and went to get some of John's cloths.

I was led to the bathroom and John's cloths were put on the floor and i was put in the tub.

"What happened Hanna?" Maria asked.

I looked up. It felt so good.

"Leah, she's changed. She tried to kiss Paul then she got all mad and new that Paul was Paul McCartney and she asked where it was."

"Whats it?" She asked

"I don't know. Something to do with Paul." I stopped. "Paul!" 


"He's running from her! I have to get out." I got out and dried off and put on John's cloths.

"Im coming with you! And so is John." She said and we walked out.

"Where you going?" George asked us.

"To find Paul." I said and walked out.

"Im coming with you." He yelled and grabbed his coat. 

"George go to my house."

"Our mom called your house, Paul isn't there." John said.

"No? Ug what are we gonna do. Lets go." I said and started walking.

"You kids hop in the car, we'll go look for him." Maria's dad said.

We got in the car and started looking for Paul.

BOOK 3: I Need YouWhere stories live. Discover now