Shehry pov

I was alone at home today.
I checked my phone and still neither a msg nor a phone call from Aliyah. I think I was kinda rude to her yesterday
I then decided to call her. But stil she didn't answer.
I put on the tv. After a while, maha came back home with mom.
Mom went in the kitchen and maha dragged me with her in the room
"Quick quick quick!" She said and I giggled
"Ok" I said and we finally reached inside and she closed the door
"Ok tell me now. What is it?" I asked
"It's about sain" she said
"Sain? What happened to him?" I asked
"Mom saw sain and Aisha!" She spoke
"What?!" I exclaimed
"Shhh" she said
"Actually mom and I went to Walmart. And then-" she stopped as the door opened
"Sain" maha said
"I thought it was mom!" She added
"Ok quick close the door" she told him
"OMG shehry you don't know what happened!" Sain said
"I know maha told me. Tell me the full story how it happened!" I said
"Wait wait! I was telling you. So I'll continue " maha said and I nodded
"Yes so we were shopping and then suddenly mom saw Aisha and Sain. We then walked there and they were both shocked to see us. And when mom asked Sain what was he doing here he didn't know what to do so he took whatever packet was behind him. I don't know what it was but both mom and Aisha's expressions changed. " she said
"What was it Sain?" I asked and he stared at me
"It was just- nothing" he said
"Tell me" I said
"It was a uhm" he talked and then was looking at maha and looked at me back again. He was trying to tell me something. He was doing weird expressions pointing maha
"Tell me yo! What is this you're doing?!" I asked
"It was something. You know. The uhm. The" he was saying
"Don't beat around the bush bro! Say it!" I said
"A condom!" He whispered to me
My eyes widened and I burst out in a fist of laughter
"Seriously!" I said and kept on laughing
"Yea like I knew there was tissue behind me but I didn't know that my hand would land on that thing" he said
"Whatever it is. I don't understand you guys. Lemme continue. So then he took a packet of tissue and said that he was sneezing and he needed tissue and there wasn't in the car. And then he said that he saw Aisha so he came to say hi" maha said
"Wooo. Thank god mom didn't get any idea of both of u" I said and he nodded
"I was holding her hand. I hope mom didn't see that" Sain added

Aliyah pov

I was in the shower when I heard my phone ringing. When I came out I saw a missed call from shehry. I stared at the screen for a while thinking if i should call him back.
I thought of msging him
Me: did u call?
Shehry: yea
Me: u need something? Do u have any work?
Him: why? can't I call u without any reason?

"Aliyah quick! " Aisha shouted
I was going to the mall with Aisha and Sarah.
"Coming" I replied
I didn't reply shehry as I was getting late
I got dressed and after a while we were at the mall.
"I hope that the dress I saw here 2 days ago hasn't been sold yet. I really loved it" Aisha said
"Hope so" Sarah replied
We walked in Aldo and Sarah needed to buy some accessories.
Then we decided to have iced coffee
We bought it and was walking around when I heard someone calling me.
I turned around and I saw shehry, his mom and maha.
We stopped and his mom came to me
"Asalamoualaikoum" we all said
"Walaikumsalam how r u all?" She asked
"Alhamdulillah we r fine" I replied
Shehry kept looking at me and our eyes met. I looked away instantly.
"So you came here for shopping?" Aisha asked
"Yes. Actually after we had met in Walmart, we had returned home. Maha was saying she's tired. Then after a couple of hours she said that she need to buy a pink dress for her friend's birthday party. It's a pink theme you see. So shehry brought us to buy her dress" aunty replied
"Oh alright" Aisha added
"So how's your studies going? " aunty asked
"Good so far" Sarah replied
"You guys had a project to do right? How was it?" Aunty asked
Project? What project?
"No we didn't have any! Which project are you talking about?" I asked
"U didn't have? But Your friend came. Uhh... Yes Zoya! She came and said that you have a project and she went to meet shehry to discuss about it" she said and I looked at shehry
"No I think you've a misunderstanding" Sarah said
"Alright then. I'll go now. Catch you all later" she said and I nodded with a smile
So it means that Zoya had lied just to go in shehry's room.

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