|Chapter 5| Crossing The Line

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" Oh my goodness J you really put your foot down in this food!" Lela exclaimed digging in the Jambalya I prepared for her as an apology. I knew making her favorite dish would hopefully make her forgive me for my absence that day to the photoshoot and put back us on good terms.

Lela did not play when it came to getting her money.

She took a sip of the red wine I had poured for her from earlier and I smiled happy that she liked it.

" Yeah, you better be glad. I spent hours on that damn food. Cutting up peppers, onions and all of that. So I hope you forgive me." I said earning the both of us to laugh.

" Yes I forgive you but you better not fuck up next time, and I'm really serious J." She said with a stern look plastered on her face.

I held my hands up in defense, " Okay, I promise."

" No don't promise, promises are meant to be broken in the end. Just show up next time I schedule you a booking."

Her words for some reason made me think back to Christian and what he'd been promising for the past two years now ; "Jo, I promise with everything within me, that I will divorce Cree and focus on you and only you."

Was it true? Was his promises going to be broken in the end? When is the end?  Is there even going to be a end? Oh gosh here I go again jumping to conclusions. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring.

" Wonder who that could be..."I said as I slid out of the seat. I stood on my tippy toes to look out the peephole once I was face to face with the door. I scrunched my face when I seen Heather here. Why is she here?

" Heather?" I asked as I open the door, " What brings you by?" I questioned.

" I'm so sorry for showing up unexpectedly but I really need to talk to you."

"Well I'm kind of busy right now, but I suppose you can come in. "

" I knew this wasn't a good idea, I'm sorry to bother you. Have a good night." She said turning around.

"No, no, come on in! Your not a bother at all. I've cooked dinner. My sister is here and she won't say anything to you I promise." I said as I jerked her arm back gently.

Usually I wouldn't allow DeAndres "women" into my house, but Heather was a very cool and down chick and this wasn't our first encounter in my house. Plus with her seeming a little down I knew her reasoning for wanting to talk to me was a about DeAndre.

I stepped aside so she could walk in.

" Follow me." I said as I could hear her trailing behind me.

As we walked into the dining room, Lela was stuffing her mouth full of food, causing the both of us to laugh.

" Chill girl the food ain't going no where." I laughed.

" Oh shut-" Lela abruptly stopped talking looking over to Heather staring her down.

" Lela, this is Heather. Heather this is Lela." I smiled as I introduced them to each other.

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