|Chapter 3| Trust Issues

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As we pulled up to the front of my house , I saw Christian look over in our direction. I could tell I was in for it once my ass stepped foot out of the car.

" Oh no he's looking over here." I said sighing.

" What's that's supposed to mean? " Dre questioned as he parked the car.

Why did he park the car?

" He likes to assume things and jump down my throat before I can explain anything, but thanks for the ride Dre." I said giving him a hug.

" Mhm." Was all he said before I saw him unbuckling his seat belt.

" What the hell are you doing ?" I asked him.

" Going to talk to him duh. What it look like."

" Oh no you're not. You're gonna put your seat belt back on and take your ass back where you came from." I said and stopped him before he could walk out the car door.

" Why not?"

Just as I was about to answer him I jumped when I heard knocking on my side of the car. Looking over it stood Christian with a fake grin on his face. Oh lord.

I rolled down the window, " Hey baby, I was just about to -"

" Wassup man." Christian greeted totally cutting me off completely.

" What up." DeAndre said without acknowledging his presence.

" So what were y'all doing? It's almost eleven at night."

" We were just catching up that's all. But I'll get with you later D." I said before hugging him once again.

" No problem J." He said before pecking me on the cheek. "Good luck with daddy." He whispered in my ear and I slapped his arm before leaving out of the car.

Once we were into the house, I felt myself quickly being pushed back into the wall, making my head hit it harshly.
I looked up at him and saw nothing but pure anger in his eyes. I had never seen this side of him before and it was a little scary.

" Have you lost your rabbit ass mind! What is wrong with you! " I yelled at him.

" Why were you out so late with him? Huh? I've been here waiting for you for over half an hour now." He said through clenched teeth and grabbed my wrist.

" Calm down baby, we were only chilling and matching."

(Matching is a term used for smoking blunts with another person)

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he didn't believe I word I had just spoke to him. I hated when he made his self seem like he was insecure with me spending time with DeAndre. It was never more than us being just friends and if he had a problem with it then he should've brought up to me in a better manner than this.

" Matching blunts ?" He chuckled. " You young kids these days I swear." He said releasing my wrists and walked off into the living room

" And what's that suppose to mean? " I said following right behind him rubbing my wrists.

" You can't be trusted. All you do is lie and think your so good at it and try to play me like some fool not remembering I'm already use to the games baby girl. You ain't the first and damn sure won't be the last."

What the hell is he even talking about ? I won't be the last?

" I know you must've lost your fucking mind to talk about anybody and game. Yet you still have a married wife and over here fucking my screws loose! " I yelled behind him with his back facing me.

" I'm not in love with her! I love you ! I put everything on the line for you Jordyn! Do you know how risky that is?"He said finally turning around to face me.

" Risky? " I said and chuckled. " Your the one who took a risk? I dropped out of college for your sorry ass! And you want to talk about risky? " I said and stormed off to my bedroom.

He had the nerve to. I've dropped out of college just for this arrogant ass man and he can't see that I don't love him and that was a big risk for me?

" Baby look I'm sorry okay. I just don't want to see you with another man. I trust you , I do but you and DeAndre? What if he try's to try something slick?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I turned around and faced him so that my eyes would meet his, " Nothing will ever happen between us. He's like a brother to me. I couldn't picture myself or stomach the thought of doing something with him. So if you trust me then you have to let me do what I want and stop trying to shelter me."

He sighed and kissed my forehead gently sending a wave of chills over my body. " Okay I'm sorry for pushing you earlier. It was uncalled for and very absurd for me to do that." He apologized and pecked my lips a few times.

I nodded my head at him as a gesture to accept his apology.

This wasn't our first fight. But I couldn't help but to replay those words in my mind that he said:

You ain't the first and damn sure won't be the last.......


So I updated this in school so sorry it's boring and stupid. Just really trying to update as much as I can! And also DeAndre is played by Coolie Cut! ( see in MM) - Kayla 😊💜

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