Start from the beginning

"I know it seems impossible."

The night before, after fifteen minutes of endless explications from none other than Remus Lupin, the Marauder, he finally got to the conclusion I wasn't going to be that easy to tutor. After one hour, he seemed as tired as if he had run three entire marathons. But at least when we ended I was able to change the colour of my snail!

Sort off at least...

Moving on, after we were finished, he insisted on accompanying me to the common room, which I, after five denies, had to accept, as I remembered it was that or probably spending the night in one of the many hallways of Hogwarts.

"Which one?" Alice put in as she looked at me with a curious face.

"Ce gars Remus Lupin," I said. ("That guy, Remus Lupin.")

She sighed dreamily. "Oh yeah. I know who he is." Alice said. He's simply sweet, you know? Nothing to do with James or Sirius. Or Peter for that matter. He's more the boyfriend type, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah," Charlotte said "Remus is the nice marauder."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "And how would you know, Charlie?" I asked as she seemed to squirm in her chair, "Do you know him?"

"Well... kind of," she admitted, "But the point is," she cut in quickly "He is nice."

I nodded, "Oui. Or at least he was."

Speaking of Remus Lupin, I remembered James, and his birthday ball suddenly came to my mind. I would have to go, as my parents would force me to, but I had no idea of what to wear or how to go for that matter. Hell, I didn't even know when it was going to be and where!

Also, I still hadn't told anyone about it. You have a good chance now, my mind told me. I sighed.

"Speaking of Marauders," I started, "Have you heard about James' birthday ball?" I asked.

Immediately, not only Alice and Charlotte, but everyone turned to me- everyone being Charlotte's little friends, Meagan, Fiona and everyone that was in hearing reach.

"Of course we have! That is like... the most waited ball ever! I mean ever since James Potter exits everyone wants to go to his off age ball! It's going to be huge, only important people will be there and it's going to be marvellous and-"

"Okay Meg," Alice said "We got it."

"Point is," Fiona told me "Only important and beautiful people are invited. I think all seventh years are going- except for the Slytherins of course."

"Yeah, and Fiona was invited!" Meagan said rather happily, "As her grandparents worked with James' parents the whole family received an invitation!"

I nodded, "Oh, how... nice," I told them.

"I bet you would like to go," Fiona put in evilly, as she looked down on me, "But it's only for few, the ball," she said as she gave me a "not-to-people-like-you-ball" stare.

An unexpected anger erupted in me and I smiled rather violently at her "Bien," I started, and finally noticed I was beginning to understand how things worked at Hogwarts. Or at least with Fiona. "I received a personal invitation from Doreah. Oh, I meant Mrs. Potter, James' mother." ("Well")

Their jaws all felt as they gave my incredulous looks. "No way," Meagan said excitedly, "You're going?"

I nodded. "I don't believe it." Fiona said, looking me in the eyes, "And you all shouldn't too. She couldn't have been invited."

Alice raised an eyebrow at her, "Why not?" she asked.

"Look, if you don't want to believe me, why don't you just owl her or something?" I told her, "Maybe then you'll believe me."

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