sc 1.1 | the past

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"Really Jin? Even Yoongi? Your own best friend? Your crush?" Jungkook shook his head and rolled his eyes at Seokjin. "He's single and lonely so why not? Besides I want him to be happy." Jin shrugged as he snatched Jungkook's iced coffee and drink from it. "Since when did you started drinking latté?" He can't help to ask. This boy infront of him hates latté and always chooses caramel macchiato over anything.

"Don't change the topic bitch," Jungkook glared at Jin but blush can be notice on his face. "Are you really sure with Yoongi?" Jungkook asked.

"For the last time, yes I am. And don't call me bitch. I'm still older than you dumbass." He threw a used tissue to Jungkook which the boy successfully avoided. "I'll take the risk if something bad will happen."

Jungkook sighed in defeat. He cannot change his hyung's mind and all he needed to do is to support him. "Fine. Just make sure you won't cause a big trouble, hyung."

Jin rolled his eyes at Jungkook. "You sounded like you're older than me." He then took another sip at Jungkook's iced latté. "So, when did you start drinking latté again?"


"Yoongi!" Jin shouted at Yoongi for the nth time. "Stop acting like a child and behave!" He pushed Yoongi at one of the chairs at the cafeteria of their school. It's their first day of being freshmen in college in their new school. "You don't need to drag me for goodness' sake, Kim Seokjin." Yoongi rolled his eyes as Jin grinned at him.

"He should be here in a minute. I told him to be in time." Seokjin looked at his wrist watch to check the time. "Who?" Yoongi curiously asked Seokjin as he settled his things down on the vacant chair next to him. "My friend. Oh here he is!" Jin excitedly pointed at the boy entering the cafeteria. "You already made a friend on the first day? Wow."

"He's my first year high school classmate and friend. He left our school on the next school year that's why you don't know him."


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"Horse face, here!" Jin yelled which caused the other students to look at him and Yoongi hid his face with his hands because of the embarassment he's feeling caused by his best friend right now.

"What a nice welcome back greeting, Pig Jin." Hoseok rolled his eyes at Jin. "You know that I love you, Hobi." Jin smiled at Hoseok as he pulled him on the chair next to Yoongi. Hoseok fake coughed that caught Jin's attention. "Mind introducing me first?" Hoseok glance at Yoongi who has a blank expression on his face. "Whatevs. Hoseok this is Min Yoongi, my best friend. Yoongi, this is Hoseok my hoe friend." Hoseok would've hit Seokjin in the face if Yoongi's not here but he had another plan in mind. "Oh, so you are that Yoongi. I heard a lot about you from Seokjin. It was nice to finally meet you."

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